Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

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Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder:
Responsible in terms of press law: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

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Gatekeeper Russel Brand and Yuval Harari:
👉 'I think you are a beautiful person'👈

Russel Brand's Podcast: UNDER THE SKIN👈

Yuval Harari: ' a 100 years and identify the epidemic of the Corona Virus as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially a surveillance UNDER THE SKIN. 👈

WEF Klaus Schwab's right hand Yuval Harari about the coming decades:

'We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds.
The biggest question will be what to do with all these useless people.
The problem is what to do with them when they are basically meaningless, worthless.'

Репост из: Free People Germany e.V.
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Репост из: Reiner Fuellmich 🇩🇪/🇦🇹/🇨🇭
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Gerichtsreporterin Claudia Jaworski führte ein ausführliches Interview mit Rechtsanwältin Katja Wörmer und Rechtsanwalt Edgar Siemund aus dem Verteidigerteam über den 32. Verhandlungstag am 16.10.2024 in Sachen Dr. Reiner Füllmich vor dem Göttinger Landgericht.

Court reporter Claudia Jaworski conducted a detailed interview with lawyer Katja Wörmer and lawyer Edgar Siemund from the defense team on the 32nd day of the trial on 16.10.2024 in the matter of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court.


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Репост из: Reiner Fuellmich 🇩🇪/🇦🇹/🇨🇭
"Many thanks to the >20K people who signed the petition! We are hoping to reach 25K signatures, before presenting it to the German court (which will be soon).

The petition is available in seven languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. It is hugely appreciated if you would sign and share it far and wide – as far and wide as the hugely valuable 'broadcasts' of Corona Ausschuss, Corona Investigative Committee, and
ICIC.LAW resonated.

There are and have been several similar petition and letter writing initiatives. Naturally, we should sign and support them all. This petition is simply a Dutch initiative, aiming to help augment publicity and pressure on German officials to: a) acknowledge this is a political prosecution, b) release Reiner Fuellmich from prison, and c) treat and judge him fairly.

Again, many thanks for your help in snowballing this petition!"



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Lights out for the city on the hill — Strategic Culture

The famed “City on the Hill” that many had been tricked into believing was illuminating mankind from on high is now forlorn and largely deserted.

(...) A striking representation of the breakdown of the legal order is the illegal kidnapping and incarceration in Germany on fabricated embezzlement charges of German-American lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. The German judicial system is fully complicit in this appalling travesty. There are many solid reasons for the deep state cabal’s virulent hatred of Dr. Fuellmich. He was the spoiler who in 2020 had the temerity to found the Covid pandemic research committee, just as the social control experiment was gaining momentum. The committee did outstanding work under the leadership of Dr. Fuellmich to expose the sordid motives and homicidal objectives of the orchestrators of the bogus medical emergency. That was a major blow to them, the more so because it was delivered successfully under conditions of nearly total informational   blockade. Dr. Fuellmich’s ultimate, and perhaps overambitious, naively conceived goal of a medical Nurenberg to bring the culprits to justice unfortunately could not be achieved. But the very thought of it must have given rage to those he intended to be prosecuted.

This agenda has been long planned,” Dr. Fuellmich summarised his Committee’s findings. “It’s ultimately unsuccessful precursor was the swine flu some 12 years ago, and it is cooked up by a group of super-rich psychopathic and sociopathic people who hate and fear people at the same time, have no empathy, and are driven by the desire to gain full control over all of us, the people of the world.”

The time came however for the psychopaths to get their sweet revenge, and the operation was not exceedingly difficult because they happen to control the mechanisms of power. Eleven months ago Dr. Fuellmich was imprisoned in Germany on the false allegation made by a former colleague, who may have been infiltrated by security agencies into the Covid Committee, that he misused the organisation’s assets for personal benefit. A charge that under German law is a misdemeanour and for which there is no precedent of lengthy pre-trial incarceration resulted in imprisonment that has now lasted for over 400 days, under Abu Ghraib conditions, except that it is in Germany and not in Iraq. For a shocking portrayal of those detention conditions, see here. And see here for the disgraceful procedural deficiencies of the trial itself, which currently is in progress. The proceedings are stained by practices incompatible with the image of Rechtsstaat that is misleadingly cultivated by Germany, along with the rest of the collective West regimes associated with it.

The lawless persecution of Dr. Fuellmich in reality is for the “offence” of performing a remarkable public service by uncovering and documenting the fraudulent nature and sinister background of the Covid “pandemic.” It is, however, but the tip of the iceberg in the collapse of the rule of law in societies that portray themselves as its champions. The breakdown of legality and its dire impact on the elementary freedoms of citizens, rendering them utterly defenceless before the demands of unaccountable Power, can be illustrated by additional examples.

(...) The central issue in every one of the cited instances, and others of a similar sort too numerous to mention, is the evident crumbling in the collective West of the legal order. That makes it possible to impose on peaceful citizens draconian punishments wholly disproportionate to the alleged conduct they have been accused of. (...)

Репост из: 💥💥💥Booom aktuell💥💥💥Austausch über das aktuelle Weltgeschehen...🌍
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Ex-NATO-Chef Stoltenberg wird von Journalisten komplett zerlegt und lässt ihn echt dumm aussehen.

Übersetzung (Einleitung): Sie und die NATO haben auf China als Bedrohung der NATO-Sicherheit und Werte gezeigt. Ich würde gerne schnell ein paar Fragen zur Bedrohung aus China stellen.

Journalist: "In wie vielen Ländern hat China in den letzten 40 Jahren militärisch interveniert?"

Stoltenberg: Wir sehen, dass China ...

Journalist unterbricht: "Wir werden nachher darüber sprechen."

Journalist wiederholt die Frage: "In wie vielen Ländern hat China in den letzten 40 Jahren militärisch interveniert?"

Stoltenberg: "Sie hatten einen Konflikt mit Vietnam."

Journalist unterbricht: "Die Antwort ist Null!"

Stoltenberg wiederholt: "Sie hatten einen Konflikt mit Vietnam!"

Journalist: "Das ist über 40 Jahre her. Halten Sie sich bitte an den Zeitrahmen."

Journalist: "In wie viel Ländern hat China Militärbasen?"

Stoltenberg: "Einige."

Journalist: "Eine! China hat nur eine große Militärbasis in Djibouti."

Journalist: "Die USA haben im gleichen Zeitraum mindestens 13 Länder angegriffen. Sie haben 750 Militärbasen in mindestens 80 Ländern. Viele davon direkt vor Chinas Haustüre. Und Sie glauben immer noch, dass China eine Bedrohung darstellt?“

Anmerkung: Die Republik Dschibuti ist ein Land am Horn von Afrika, das im Süden an Somalia, im Südwesten an Äthiopien, im Norden an Eritrea und im Osten an das Rote Meer und den Golf von Aden grenzt.

🔗 MultiPolar 🗿

Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW 🌎NEWS
Liebe Freunde!

Ein gute-Laune-Musiktipp von Reiner für den Wochenstart! 😎❤️😊🍀

Bleibt stark und standhaft, und lasst Euch nicht unterkriegen! 💪


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Message from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. 📬 💬


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69k 12 1.2k 987

Репост из: henning rosenbusch - Channel
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In einigen Bezirken Kaliforniens ist die Maskenpflicht zurück und soll bis März/April gelten…

27k 0 155 666

Репост из: اهریمن سپید
Yiannis Zografos -
Huge success, or rather 
in Greece!

Greece: Acquittal for unvaccinated military doctor - Transition News

In an unprecedented decision, a Greek military court acquitted the doctor Panagiotis Karanagnostis. The doctor had refused to take and administer the Covid-19 "vaccine" and had denounced the risks. The ruling sets an important precedent. (...)

"This ruling is a humiliation for the civil courts, which until now had almost unanimously recognized the constitutional legitimacy of compulsory vaccination," said Karanagnostis' lawyer Ioannis Zographos. "While the civil courts were convinced of the constitutionality of the vaccines, the military court has now created an unprecedented jurisprudence that gives hope to others affected."

Excerpt from the article
"Enough is Enough - Enough is Enough!"
Athens, 24.09.2022
by Alkmini Agápi Metallinou

" ... Where are the Greeks? Those who fought for freedom and truth, without fear!
He (note: Prof Sucharit Bhakdi) appealed to the doctors gathered here to tirelessly continue to spread the truth, which was
hidden under false teachings and manipulators - but not in the medical books.
medical books.
The knowledge is there, has never been gone, it's just that doctors around the world haven't done their homework!
"Remind them of the knowledge!" he appeals.
It is not necessary to cheer him like this.
"Look at yourselves! You have someone like that yourself!
John Ioannidis!"
It was so moving, so touching.
Doctors who have been suspended for a year, who have been banned from working because they
refused this poison for themselves and the patients entrusted to them, or even "worse", refused to work
like the wonderful young pediatric surgeon Vasiliki Soulaimanova, refused to talk about the obvious
changes in the child's body after the so-called "vaccination" and to warn against it.
warned against it.
It was a gathering of heroes at the Park of Freedom in Athens, watched by police and drones.
observed by police and drones.
One was watching back:
Yiannis Zografos.
I have described him for the 1 1/2 years I have known him as the Greek filler.
Yes, we have him too!
Clear, quick-witted, courageous and tireless.
He is a resister from the very beginning.
But so far he has hardly found any colleagues who dare to leave their corner.
Does it take a filler to come and supposedly save you?
However, I can't even imagine what would happen if Füllmich and Zografos joined forces.
joined forces.
We have an Ioannidis and a Zografos!
The people must wake up.
Greeks, get out of fear!
The Greeks are not going for a walk.
They dance and sing, like after the event, inspired by Bhakdi and Füllmich, on the way to Syntagma Square!"

Yiannis and Reiner had already made contact with each other (Wε αrε Grεεκ - What's your Superpower? reported in an article and video). 
It goes on!

Alkmini Agápi Metallinou



Репост из: Official ICIC.LAW 🌎NEWS
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Trust the science! 👍😎🥳


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Statement von Reiner Füllmich vom 20.09.2024

auf der GANZEN WELT verteilen!!!!

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Репост из: Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺
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Julian Assange gibt erste öffentliche Erklärung seit seiner Haftentlassung ab

00:03 Einführung und persönliche Erfahrungen
01:36 Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung
03:18 Rechtsmittel
04:41 Auswirkungen auf das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung
05:51 Gründung von WikiLeaks
08:44 Verfolgung und Einmischung der USA
10:31 Repression und Spionage
12:36 Extraterritoriale Unterdrückung
14:11 Fazit und Schlussfolgerungen
15:34 Manning und sein Fall
16:26 Die globale Rechtslage der USA
18:53 Bedrohung von Journalisten und Verlegern
20:02 Aufruf zur Verteidigung der Meinungsfreiheit
20:25 Danksagung und Aufruf zum Handeln

Репост из: The Duran
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Lebanon Ground War Begins; Ukr Vuhledar Disaster, Zelensky Sacks Commander; Kursk Pocket Cut Off

Репост из: Geopolitics Live
They no longer hide it

Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have now aired their desires to push for more press control and place a target on the US First Amendment in recent statements.

"The press needs a consistent narrative about the danger that Trump poses," Clinton argued.

💬 US climate envoy, John Kerry contended, "It's harder to build consensus today" because the First Amendment, which protects the press from state interference, prevents them from censoring more "disinformation" entities.

Are these remarks from these two prominent US political figures a coincidence, or do they signify a broader trend?

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Репост из: Going Underground on RT
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Ex-US🇺🇸 President Jimmy Carter on Israel’s occupation of Palestine🇵🇸:

‘The word apartheid is exactly accurate…within Palestinian territory, they are absolutely and totally separated, much worse than South Africa…the Israelis completely dominate the lives of Palestinians’

Репост из: Qlobal-Change 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇱🇮 🤝 🇷🇺
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Tucker Carlson Live Tour in Fort Worth, Texas:
Roseanne Barr: Gender-Ideologie, warum sie Hollywood Angst macht und ihre Freundschaft mit Trump

(automatische Untertitel)

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