Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: TelePrem, (GIVEAWAY).
GIVEAWAY, (GRAND OPENING). 10 slot of telegram premium 12 month subscription by gift, apple method. and 20 slot of IDR 10,000 balance!
must do: subscribe to @eTeIePrem. and share it through your CH/BOT/ST/LPM.

will be announced on 18 June 2024.

Репост из: Monsac Analogoüs
Nighty night! Sender monsac, di sini kita bakalan give away lagi. friday night specials, and for fun.

1. Subs @kasqih before joining the give away. Later you will be asked for proof of whether you have subscribed or not.
2. Sertakan bukti sebar, bisa forward ke channel yang memiliki minimal 10 subs. Dan bisa forward ke story telegram, atau sebarkan list ini ke bot atau lpm/grup.
3. Satu orang cukup pilih satu nomor, dan nomor tidak boleh di edit.
4. Give words to dominic!
5. Choose a number from 1—200.

(A.) 5 People Get Telegram Premium 1 Month Fw.
(B.) 5 People Get Dana Balance: 10.000.
(C.) 3 People Get Moodboard.

Dominic Monteith Vortigern.
prize is valid until May 26, 2024.)

Репост из: 𖣂 ࣪˖ eifemeral - WOPENG
🫀 warslot teleprem 1b fw untuk 1 orang hanya 10.000 aja xixi 🫀

syarat dan ketentuan:

‼️ Wajib subs @eifeimeral
‼️ TIDAK UNSUBS SETELAH WARSLOT SELESAI. Jika unsubs akan di banned dan dievent selanjutnya tidak bisa mengikuti.
‼️ Share ke ch/bot minimal 100 subs/100 pengguna akan diminta proof
‼️ Tidak keep slot lebih dari 3 jam
‼️ Warslot dilakukan di bot yang berbeda dari sebelumnya, dan bot + format dikirim 10 menit sebelum waktu warslot dimulai
‼️ Akan ada hadiah tambahan viu 1b untuk 2 orang

Warslot akan dimulai tanggal 19 Mei 2024, jam 17.00 WIB.🐈🐈

ini ch siapa ya gua mau pinjem buat ngeshare izin ya

📝 Sambungan kalau udh 100 lanjut disini aja ya

👤 @saharrasx + @ukirangurun

👤 @cjjaem + @iChooseStar

👤 @seungwaonson + @unholypalace

👤 @kdmlnjgf + @moansred

👤 @Kejungkirr + @Cravines

👤 @ariinnie + @ElegantoBeauty

👤 @JunhJeahyun + @CigarettesTasty

👤 @urlvna + @frankyesss

👤 @Xavellazhevanee + @Nnaraaz

👤 @kchaez + @kalchewz

👤 @joyalsa + @beingangel

👤 @Gudboyspride + @FLAVORSKY

👤 @taeckhyungiest + @kkimtaeckhyung

👤 @LosytGirl && @TsukinoFleur

👤 @becasseur + @cansohee

👤 @WANGYYlREN + @bersikapindah

👤 @mfTaehyung + @HiddenChamber

👤 @yyerimf + @onlyvirtualgirll

👤 @kariinazaespa + @iBeautieKarina

👤 @yehhsshuaa @fairyyehshaa

👤 @dpnghyuck + @sandaranternyaman

👤 @umjri + @orgassme

👤 @ahyvnjin + @Destructionz

👤 @Jiendukim + @Gunflowing

👤 @ebijeno + @watashinginduit

👤 @ofcminjukimm + @minjoonakim

👤 @SanoMzanjirou + @DBeathless

👤 @JoHyxewon + @diduniamimpi

👤 @johsnny + @xxmajor

👤 @EarthAnother + @imarkielvee

👤 @doyeonwki + @kimdyynn

👤 @Yeri_w + @Yerimizse

👤 @gelatro + @BaePast

👤 @chaeonna + @jihoonna

👤 @YqujNi + @instafgram

👤 @KiMiNTZOO && @MintZou

👤 @VJJENNlEE . @favoriteplaccee

👤 @sesejeong_a + @someonelove_u

👤 @MarqLeeis + @Starsduct

👤 @anotherjeonheejin + @prettyjjeon

👤 @iJieonjungkook + @CriimeFlavour

👤 @asfJenoo + @PinkeuCandiess

👤 @HaechanSkate + @FreaksBoys

👤 @xxrgsv + @bacotanbandung

👤 @xdcoyoung + @PemeranUtamanya

👤 @iYoondJung + @RiguardoAme

👤 @Kyouyca + @arabbic

👤 @iChoMiYeond + @F4keMiyeon

👤 @jeonsomid + @rwockin

👥 49 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Ga papa kok w nunggu sampe jumat

📝 Drop your @ and @ your ch buat sfs ulang.

👤 @Anarazlr + @imonparadise

👤 @Taeehbyung + @JmStomm

👤 @Cravines + @Kejungkir

👤 @urggheas + @kalopcya

👤 @kminjuu0 @RedCaastle

👤 @JunhJeahyun + @CigarettesTasty

👤 @aingkasep69 + @ngududluatuh

👤 @rapidsucks + @diiscney

👤 @ofcsalsa + @arjevisgirlfriend

👤 @taeckhyungiest + @kkimtaeckhyung

👤 @LosytGirl + @TsukinoFleur

👤 @shinryuonjin + @EmptyHeartie

👤 @hidupz + ch @TYcTrack

👤 @jung_jeyun + @iLatteCream

👤 @kmiyeri + @PrettyRhytm

👤 @itsJENNIEKIMSIE × @tempaattberteduh

👤 @soengchxn + @ TokyoHustler

👤 @saeromIebe + @terrifiesy

👤 @bubblepufflle + @PinkeuCandiess

👤 @yeriimiesme + @TheresHre

👤 @hwangyeejiu + @WINTERIEAS

👤 @WANGYYlREN @bersikapindah

👤 @lechae @kelabuku

👤 @mdtsuno + @togkyo

👤 @KimJemnniee + @kedaikopiiiii

👤 @ouYena + @ConditionaIIy

👤 @sanomzanjirou + @dbeathless

👤 @Chanyeoly + @sastrasurabaya

👤 @ba_ji + @thecupids

👤 @MlinjuKimp + @grrwww

👤 @isTenLee + @tenlee_1O0I

👤 @ayalovingu + @isodeeply

👤 @sehunco + @elationsweet

👤 @shinrhujjin && @shittygirls

👤 @yoojminxx + @swettlovee

👤 @CHAENGit + @acornalley

👤 id ch @Wooxpyoo89
id sub @wooxpyo7

👤 @leeechaniee + @iLovingdCrush

👤 @iJaeminMiaw + @LoveVisuals

👤 @arachane + @waterpalace

👤 @nYooJimint @HeatherCaste

👤 @littlevairy @jihewn

👤 @Tsimp4tae + @Criimediickk

👤 @SeonYoungjae + @Satebledorr

👤 sorry bru isi @ChainDearnuel + @JABBIEJIELL

👤 @yIceSunghoon + @MaleficIce

👤 @sg_ziyoungi + @ParisNightzz

👤 @tnkazutora + @T0KY0MANJI

👤 @rhyzxx + @tosaygoodbye

👤 @cuYounjung + @BeautyAphrodite

👤 @socheey + @sassycgurl

👤 @ryusujeon + @lustrouzly

👤 @kYewond + @shittlovesu

👤 @iSeulggy + @GigglyGum

👤 @Jeonggukqc + @bbestcopy

👤 @RoseMelet + @iFakeScenario

👤 @PrettyJjoy + @Imyour_Abbey

👤 @gttaehyung + @tDecalcomania

👤 @ljenzo @Bl4ckCamel

👤 @lvkdoyoung + @pdongyoungs

👤 @leejenone + @markxcity

👤 @iMarlkee + @CoIumnaVertebraIis

👤 @bzRose @obsesseddick

👤 @gadisjoogdja + @satugarissluka

👤 @dejjeno + @fvckbitchiies

👤 @roseareerose @lIovepoem

👤 @bleuO_o @cumaRenjun

👤 @leeheseeung + @dezbcc

👤 @gwsunghoon @libaaxx

👤 @jennieenice + @PleasedBlossom

👤 @miminlopan + @needsincerity

👤 @haechanciet + @NightSpiner

👤 @wenzyshon + @Beautifuldisastrous

👤 @MendTrust + @FleurArte

👤 @iChoMiYeond + @F4keMiyeon

👤 @Jue2un + @Projectory

👤 @WonderIusts + @SecretLibraries

👤 @iyeonjunboy + @maeldives

👤 @leemoarkk + @localiessmark

👤 @apjisung ts @jenoryl + @hamsterpjs

👤 @WMARK0 + @MarkDrunkk

👤 @iLeeHaeochan + @SofterCrime

👤 @guaniko + @jakrtapride

👤 @ssyzena + @yerinmilady

👤 @mfJiHan + @Iovingjiminn

👤 @ChuiTzuyu @Melodiese

👤 @J0shCaspeR + @tArabiClassics

👤 @dfjungkook @jjkk1ng

👤 @joiseunghye + @miloouzhe

👤 @luunai + @Cigarectes

👤 @shiienryujiin + @smokewithu

👤 @jaeminnny + @cyrvn

👤 @wawgeulis + @trafficlightsz

👤 @iPrettyJennje + @Artfulchure


👤 @chanyexols + @whiskeyblue

👤 @nJlHEON + @kkajaeminadict

👤 @MarkNgepot + @DupIicatedMarkLee

👤 @PrettyMinjvu + @iCelestially

👤 @chanyeolvgx + @loveemeright

👤 @JangSeulgi + @lWorthless

👤 @yerimiesee01 + @arcticMkeys

👤 @myofimina + @myouiminaron

👤 @junera @toastandmilk

👤 @yerimicserv + @wildlyrose

👤 @itaehyungkimq @suanimity

👤 @Lovieables @Leuillaby

👤 @naJisoo + @LluviaScent

👤 @beateradeas02 + @sadnoon

👤 @MasterJaehyun + @BlowQ

👤 @tcaehyungc + @lukaIama

👤 @RobotJaehyun + @drunkasff

👤 @kuartilpythagoras + @leanpythagoras

👤 @JoHyxewon + @diduniamimpi

👤 @ofcminjukimm @minjoonakim

👤 @jshyunsuk + @builtrash

👤 @Jenooele @Escpresso

👤 w gemmy.

👤 @LeiMarkue + @StillHugging

👤 @yminjukimw + @dekapanduka

👥 120 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Hi moots, gua mau move ch, buat yang mau sfs ulang, bisa subs @MatchFairy erus isi board di bawah dan unsubs ch ini, buat yang gamau sfs ulang, bisa unsubs ch ini and don't forget to remove me from your channel too, thank you.

🗳 Halo

- Xazhe
- Jay
- rest. Sévclauve Theresia
- ryemi
- Glamara S.
- nazel
- januar fcw¹itonsr
- ts. zayyan
- ⱱgx. Naraya A. Webster
- Ren limit chat..
- mila
- 𝓝esrin
- Dersat
- Topan exact
- candra
- 🅰lé
- dvz. jace
- vanta lagi ts sirkth⁴
- Sakala A.
- Coklat Bexley
- glén
- ⱱgxdvz rest
- dvzjdk. Guinè E. ♡ing philip
- Gevrard
- seano rkla⁴
- Lorrie!
- ੈ♡ dᧉk zᧉzᧉ`ᶠˣᵍᵛ¹ ‧˖ ༊*·
- sgdh. arkagon
- Naratama
- off pc. Gemmy. #ACIL7DAYS_ONBALI

👥 30 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Participation

Lo suruh drop id sama id ch yang mau sfs-an ulang


Bilang sfs ulang, terus drop id sama id ch

Pake board

Gimana njem bilang ke moots sy pindah ch di cht 1/1 kah😭

Gimana yaaaa cara pindah nya

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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