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#morning lesson's
📹 Telephone Phrasal Verbs: Useful Phrasal Verbs for Telephone Conversation with Examples
📲 You can acquaint and know all telephone pharal verbs.You should learn by heart new phrasas...

🔘 Watch and learn by heart!!!

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karantinga oid so‘zlarni bilib qo‘ygan yaxshi

Репост из: Ingliz tili darslari
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Lesson -19

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👉 @smartenglishedu


👉 @smartenglishedu

🌸Collocations beginning with B🌸

🔹bad breath-
breath that doesn't smell nice

🔹bad diet-
an unhealthy diet

🔹bad loser-
someone who gets upset or angry when they lose

🔹bad mood-
a mood in which you're easily annoyed or angered

🔹badly damage-
to do a lot of damage to something

🔹badly hurt-
seriously injured

🔹balance a budget-
to make income and expenditure equal in a budget

🔹balanced diet-
a diet with the proper amounts of all necessary nutrients

🔹bare essentials-
things that are needed the most

🔹barely able (to do sth)
only just able to do something

🔹basic right-
a fundamental right that we all share, or that all animals share

🔹bear a resemblance (to sb/sth)-
to look like, or be similar to, somebody or something

🔹beat a record-
to do something better, faster, longer, etc. than somebody else

🔹beat to death-
to beat a person or animal so badly that it causes death

🔹become increasingly-
become more and more

🔹best ever-
best until now

🔹best friends-
closest friends

🔹best possible-
the best that can be found or achieved

🔹big brother | big sister-
older brother, older sister

🔹big deal-
something that's very important or very special

🔹big decision-
very important decision

🔹big money-
a lot of money

🔹bitterly cold-
extremely cold, of weather, wind, rain, etc.

🔹blind faith-
unquestioning belief in something, even when it's unreasonable or wrong

🔹blind loyalty-
unquestioning support under any circumstances

🔹blind obedience-
unquestioning obedience, even when you're told to do something you know is wrong

🔹blissfully ignorant-
unaware of something that might sadden or disturb you if you knew about it

🔹block of flats-
a building with flats or apartments on several levels or floors

🔹blow your nose-
to clear your nose of mucus by forcing air through it

🔹book a flight-
to buy a ticket for a flight on a plane

🔹boost morale-
to increase morale or enthusiasm within a group of people

🔹break a law-
to do something illegal

🔹break a promise-
to fail to do what you promised to do

🔹break a record-
to beat a previous record in sport, speed, sales, etc.

🔹break news-
to tell someone bad news

🔹breaking news-
current news that a media organization gives special or live coverage to

🔹bright future-
successful or happy future

🔹bright idea-
a brilliant, clever or original idea

🔹bring about change-
to cause or create change in something or someone

🔹bring attention to-
to make people aware of something


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📹 Tom & Jerry | Classic Cartoon Compilation | Tom, Jerry, & Spike


Репост из: Ibratli so'zlar

Lesson 1

A/an article

Ingliz tilida 2 xil artikl mavjud. Definite (aniq) va indefinite (noaniq) artikl. Definite artikl - the. Indefinite artikl esa 2 xil shaklga ega - a/an. Bugungi mavzu indefinite artikl (a/an) haqida.

A/an artikli birlikdagi otlar oldidan narsalarning birlikdagi ekanligini ifodalash uchun qo'llaniladi. Otlar undosh harf bilan boshlansa a artikli, unli harf (a, e, i, o, u) bilan boshlansa an artikli qo'llaniladi.


A chair - stul
A woman - ayol
A school - maktab
A lion - sher
A bed - karovot
A man - erkak

An elevator - lift
An avocado - avakado mevasi
An egg - tuxum
An umbrella - soyabon
An oven - duxovka
An ice cream - muzqaymoq




1⃣ Distance (n): The amount of space between 2 people or things
🔸 They started to walk the short distance to the camp.
2⃣ Guide (v): To show someone where to go by going with them
🔸 He guided them through the forest.
3⃣ Lead (v): To take someone to a place by going there with them
🔸 The estate agent led us into the kitchen.
4⃣ Native (adj): Living in a particular country or area since birth
🔸 My wife`s a native New Yorker, I am from Atlanta.
5⃣ Home(town) (n): The city or town where you lived as a child
🔸 I live in Washington, but my hometown is Denver, Colorado.
6⃣ Catch up with: To reach the same level/point as
🔸 At the moment our technology is more advanced but other countries are catching up with us.
7⃣ Check in: Register at a hotel or an airport
🔸Check in two hours before the flight.
8⃣ Check out: Leave a hotel;
🔸I made a phone call to check out his address.
9⃣ Drop off: Let someone get out of vehicle; fall asleep
🔸 I will drop you off on my way home.
🔟 Get back: Return from a place
🔸 I will talk to you when I get back.


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📚 ingliz tilini MUSTAQIL O`RGANISH uchun KITOBLAR
🤓 Farxod Xakimov

(Videoni to‘liq ko'ring va qanday kitoblar ro‘yxati bilan tanishing!)
Kanalimiz: @englishfocusuz

Репост из: Abituriyent🎓(Official)
💢Present Continuous va Present Simple Tense qo'llanishidagi o'ziga xosliklar
💡Mazkur dars umuman olganda barcha oddiy va davomiy zamonlarga taalluqli bo'lib, ularda ba'zi fe'llarning qo'llanishiga bag'ishlanadi.
▪️Mazkur ikkala zamonda fe’llarni holat va harakat fe’llariga ajratib olish juda muhim.
▪️Harakat fe’llari, oʻz nomi bilan koʻrsatilganidek, biron harakatni ifodalashda qoʻllanadigan fe’llardir (to play/to read/to run..).
▪️Holat fe’llari esa his-tuyg’uni, fikrni yoki biror holatni tasvirlashda ishlatiladigan fe’llar (to feel/to love/to want/to think…) hisoblanadi.

💡Harakat fe’llari ingliz tilida - 'dynamic verbs', holat fe’llari esa - 'stative verbs' deb yuritiladi.

▪️Umumiy qoidaga koʻra harakat fe’llari barcha zamonlarda (davomiy va oddiy) zamonlarda qoʻllanishi mumkin.
🔸Tom is playing football in the yard now. (oʻynayapdi… davomiy)
🔸Tom plays football in the yard every evening. (oʻynaydi… oddiy)

▪️Holat fe’llari esa faqatgina oddiy yoki oddiy tugallangan (simple yoki simple perfect) zamonlarda qoʻllana oladi.
🔸I know that you are wrong. (Men bilamanki, siz nohaqsiz.…oddiy zamonda)
🔸He loves flowers. (U gullarni sevadi…oddiy zamonda)

© Grammarnotes

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🤓 Farxod Xakimov

(Videoni to‘liq ko'ring!)

🔖 So'zlashuvda ko'p ishlatiladigan frazalar

🔹 By the way - Aytgancha

🔹 A drop in the bucket - Dengizdan tomchi

🔹 And so on and so forth – Va hokazolar (v.h.k)

🔹 As I said before – oldin aytganimdek

🔹 As innocent as babe unborn - Yangi tug’ilgan chaqaloqdek begunoh

🔹 Believe it or not, but... – Xoh ishoning xoh yo’q, lekin

🔹 Don’t mention it – Arzimaydi

🔹 Did I get you right? – Men sizni to’g’ri tushundimmi?

🔹 Don’t take it to heart – Yuragizga olmang!(Siqilmang)

🔹 He is not a man to be trifled with – Yaxshisi u bilan xazillashmagan maqul

🔹 I am afraid you are wrong – Afsuski siz adashyapsiz

🔹 I didn't catch the last word – Oxirgi gapingizni tushunmadim

🔹 If I am not mistaken – Adashmasam

🔹 In other words – ya'ni...

🔹 In short – Xullas (qisqasi)

🔹 It doesn't matter – muhim emas (farqi yo’q)

🔹 It is a good idea – Bu yaxshi fikr

🔹 It is new to me – Bu men uchun yangilik

🔹 Let us hope for the best – Keling, yaxshi niyat qilaylik

🔹 May I ask you a question? – Maylimi sizdan bir savol so'rasam ?

🔹 On the one hand – Bir tomondan..

🔹 On the other hand – Boshqa tomondan…

🔹 Say it again, please – Iltimos, qaytarib yuboring!

🔹 That's where the trouble lies – Mana gap nimada

🔹What do you mean by saying it? – Bu bilan nima demoqchisiz?

🔹 What is the matter? – Nima bo’ldi?

🔹 Where were we? – Qayerda to’xtagan edik?

🔹 Were you saying? – Biror narsa dedingizmi?

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