SpyGate Down 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇮🇱 🇧🇷 🇫🇷

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Политика

We're gonna need more rope.
Wir brauchen noch mehr Seil.

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Гео и язык канала
США, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

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Opponent of Anna Paulina Luna charged with threatening to hire hit squad against political rival

A former congressional candidate was charged over allegations that he threatened to dispatch a hit squad to murder his political opponent while he was running against Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.)

William Braddock, 41, of St. Petersburg, Fla. is accused of making the alleged threats on June 8, 2021 — including one where he threatened to “call up my Russian-Ukrainian hit squad” to take out his rival.

Prosecutors did not outright name the victim, but at the time, he was vying against fellow Republican Luna and he was allegedly caught on audio calling the lawmaker a “dead squirrel” and “a f—ing speed bump in the road.”


Don Jr.:
“The belief system in Washington DC is POWER”.

MAGA’s response:
Become more powerful.

MAGA 2024. 🔥🔥🔥

Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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This is Magic Johnson’s son

623 0 23 9 74


Don Jr. is on FIRE!! 🔥

“Vote like the Republic is depending on it’.

SGD note:

It is. ⚡️🔥

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Tampon Tim

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Don Jr. on the Cuomos.
Missed footage...Don Jr. introduces a new word, Comosexuals. 😂🤣
I'm ded ☠

I can't believe we are here. 🤩

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Tucker-Don Jr.
Jacksonville, FL 9/28/24

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Don Jr. on deck ❤️‍🔥🇺🇸

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Jacksonville, FL 9/28/24

Guess where we are?
Tucker and Don Jr. tonight!
LFG!! 🇺🇸🎉

Репост из: The Velour Loveshirt Lounge
Today, September 28, 2024, is National Drink Beer Day!

Proceed Accordingly 🍻🍺

Please join us for uncommonly good conversation with uncommonly good people at...

The Velour Loveshirt Lounge Chat

Your table is waiting

Репост из: Enthéos
If you are experiencing or are in the aftermath of severe weather, please share any crucial information your fellow citizens need to know in the comments below our TRUTH Social post at the link below.

We understand that many people may:

🟤 Live alone

🟤 Have vulnerable or disabled family members or neighbors
Care for domestic or farm animals

🟤 Be without power, with devices that may soon lose charge

Feel free to post any information, updates, photos, or videos from your area.

If you need immediate assistance and emergency services are unavailable, please provide your location and specific needs.
For those reading this post, please review the replies and see if there's anyone you can contact or assist. If you are unaffected and able to help, we encourage you to do so.

Together, we can support our fellow Americans during this challenging time.


We will keep reposting this on TRUTH Social until we're sure everyone is okay.

(If your phone is about to die change your voicemail greeting to WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED for rescuers if you are trapped)

@ENTHEOS/113215687587153576' rel='nofollow'>https://truthsocial.com/@ENTHEOS/113215687587153576

Репост из: Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸
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Kamala is mentally impaired

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