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English men, what's stopping us from praying to Seaxnēat to empower our own ethnic group? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Репост из: Dan Davis Author
Never forget that horned helmets were used in battle, and were not merely ceremonial.

Commodus (161-192AD) in ancient Rome wanted to be acclaimed as divine and so, imitating the god Hercules, he took to wearing lion skins and carrying a club. He enjoyed drinking, gambling, chariot racing and hunting but, most of all, he saw himself as a great gladiator. Commodus especially enjoyed hurling javelins and firing arrows at various creatures, from a protected distance of course. He killed lions, leopards, elephants, hippos, bears, rhinos and giraffes, sometimes 100 at a time. On one occasion, using crescent-headed arrows, he shot off the heads of a large flock of ostriches that continued to run about the arena as the crowd cheered. In contrast to his father Marcus Aurelius who was a Stoic man, Commodus certainly was not.

This reconstruction of Commodus was coloured by me using information sourced here: In the 'History of Aug. Commodus', he is described as having hair 'naturally blonde and curly, and in sunlight as lustrous as if sprinkled with gold dust, or as if reflecting divine splendor.'

3500 year old Minoan gold double bladed axe with an inscription written in Linear A, a pre-Indo-European language that we cannot yet decipher.

Incredible Vendel Age warrior impression by Christopher Sjökvist.

Alemannic Warrior 4th-5th Century by Zac Smith.

Репост из: Dan Davis Author
Reconstruction of work within the enormous and vitally important Hallstatt salt mine in Austria (by Dominic Groebner)

The early Iron Age Hallstatt culture emerges from the late Bronze Age Urnfield culture.

The great salt mine was so productive it helped the chiefs who controlled it to expand their regional power.

An abundance of salt also helped meat preservation through the winter and helped to make healthier, larger populations not just here but in the lands throughout Europe that imported tons of this salt.

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Is Liver King Yamnaya pilled?! 💯

Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
"In paganism... good cannot be separated from beauty, and this is normal, because the good is form, the consummate forms of worldly things. Consequently, art cannot be separated from religion. Art is sacred. Not only can the gods be represented, but art is how they can be represented, and insofar as men perpetually assure them of representation, they have a full status of existence. All European spirituality is based on representation as mediation between the visible and the invisible, on representation by means of depicted figures and signs exchanged against a meaning intimately tied to the real, the very guarantee of this incessant and mutual conversion of the sign and meaning. Beauty is the visible sign of what is good, ugliness the visible sign of not only what is deformed or spoiled but bad."
Alain de Benoist - On Being a Pagan

Bronze figure depicting square shouldered Zeus hurling a thunderbolt with His eagle perched upon His right hand. (2nd-3rd Century AD).

Went to a store that was selling real Roman coins yesterday. Not in the best of shape but still cool to touch with my own hands. There's something special about holding living pieces of history in your own hands.

Alfred (Alexander William Ernest Albert), Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (1874-1899).

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Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman statesman, lawyer, political theorist, philosopher and Roman constitutionalist during Republican Rome. He is considered one of Rome's greatest orators and Prose stylists. He introduced Romans to the chief schools of Greek philosophy and created a Latin philosophical vocabulary. His work was very influential.

One of his books titled 'On The Nature of the Gods' is a favourite of mine. In this Cicero explains that Diagoras the Melian, Theodores of Cyrene, Antisthenes and Plato have an incorrect conception of the Gods. One, because Diagoras and Theodores outright denied the existence of any God; and Antisthenes along with Plato claim that there are indeed "many national but *one* natural Deity." According to Cicero, by this saying they destroy the power and nature of the Gods. Speusippus, according to Cicero is also wrong in saying that a "certain incorporeal power governs everything;" by which he endeavours to root out of our minds the knowledge of the Gods.

Репост из: Romanitas
"For the belief in the gods has not been established by authority, custom or law, but rests on the unanimous and abiding consensus of mankind; their existence is therefore a necessary inference, since we possess an instinctive or rather an innate concept of them; but a belief which all men by nature share must necessarily be true; therefore it must be admitted that the gods exist."

- Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Natura Deorum


Репост из: HeimdallR's Home
Gods of Celtic Clans

Across Europe every clan can trace their lineage directly to the gods of their people, with almost every god being the progenitor or divine ancestor of a people within Hyperborea. This is seen most clearly in the Celts, due to their obstinate nature their lore was least effected by foreign influence.

Clan: Scots-Irish
Beira was said to be the Ancestor of every Irish Clan and Tribe, and is credited with creating much of the Scottish & Irish landscape for her children.

Clan: Campbells
When it comes to more specific tribes The Demigod Hero Diarmuid is said to be the founder of Clan Campbell, by extension the Campbells are tied to Diarmuid's Foster Father Aengus Og, and his Father Donn.

Clan: of South Munster
Meanwhile the goddess Clíodhna is associated with the clans O'Donovan and O'Collin, and Clan MacCarthy; being The Fairy Woman of the latter. Clíodhna has had romantic relations with the Clans O'Keeffe and FitzGerald.-TLK

Hyperborean Radio (Uncensored)

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