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Speech from the late Tom Metzger at the Ian Stuart Memorial Concert "Gathering of the Gods" in California 2003.
RIP Thomas Linton Metzger 4/9/1938 - 11/4/2020

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Tom Metzger out with White Aryan Resistance. 1980s news channel feature.

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Jorge Kater on Race & Reason about 1956 Hungarian Communist Revolution

Short-lived podcast from Tom Metzger's Resurgence Radio ( 2008-2009) The primary topic on is White Revolution & Survivalism.

Robert Jay Matthews

In 1983, Robert Jay Mathews and his band of brothers, bolted from the right wing and turned towards revolution. Matthews understood completely, the utter failure of the conservative right-wing. Matthews and the Order did not strike out against the system as a representative of the right-wing, but instead, in spite of the right-wing. Robert Matthews decided on the route of unconventional war-fare,designed to evolve into a revolutionary mode.
Matthews, along with racial theorists such as James Mason, Robert Miles, Tom Metzger, Louis Beam and others, understood the need for transition from mass strategy to the revolutionary strategy.
Matthews and his band of brothers and one sister, took the first step of action on the long road forward.
Detractors from the right-wing attacked Matthews with names such as mad man and criminal. Ed Fields of The Truth At Last, accused Matthews of being a CIA agent. Fields actually visited the CIA in Langley, Virginia accusing the CIA of creating the Order and Robert Matthews in order to discredit the right-wing. His comrades continue to suffer long sentences, as a direct result of the decadence of the right-wing.
During this time of commemoration of the personal sacrifices of Robert Jay Matthews and the Order prisoners of war ( December 8th every year !), let us rededicate ourselves, to the path way from the failed right. To the Klan, it is the 5th era of being felt and not seen. To the N.S., it is the time of agitation. For the lone wolf, it is the time to mark your territory.
Always remember, Robert Matthews must be credited as the ideological father of the second American revolution.

December 1993 White Aryan Resistance ( Tom Metzger's newspaper)

Robert Jay Mathews WAR ( Tom Metzger's newspaper) December 1993

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Von Bluvens Interviews Tom Metzger

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Terrible Tommy-Might is Right Network

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Tom Metzger Race & Reason-Boyd Rice

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The Age of Treason Tanstaafl talks with Tom Metzger

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Race & Reason Alexander Foxe Tom Metzger

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Tom Metzger & Jan Lamprecht UFOs, Germans in Antarctica, Vietnam War

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Tom Metzger on Oprah Winfrey

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Race & Reason Korean War Veteran Joe Hadenough ( Tom Metzger )

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O.T. Gunnarsson-Hear the Cradle Song (Tom Metzger)

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Tom Metzger on Robert Jay Matthews Memorial 2004

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Tom Metzger debates college professor

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