Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
NZ Dental Association's Stance On Pfizer Jab
"The three key messages
💉 You are expected and obligated to have the CV Vaccine as a Dentist
💉 If you wish to know more you can find everything you need to know at the Government websites
💉 You are NOT permitted in any way, shape or form, to have any contrary opinions...or to disseminate any doubts about the "safety and efficacy" of the CV V; be it in writing, social media, spoken word or communication with your patients.
When in history have you EVER know this degree of despotic control and coercion be placed upon medical and paramedical practitioners?"
Source: The Health Forum NZ FB Post
"The three key messages
💉 You are expected and obligated to have the CV Vaccine as a Dentist
💉 If you wish to know more you can find everything you need to know at the Government websites
💉 You are NOT permitted in any way, shape or form, to have any contrary opinions...or to disseminate any doubts about the "safety and efficacy" of the CV V; be it in writing, social media, spoken word or communication with your patients.
When in history have you EVER know this degree of despotic control and coercion be placed upon medical and paramedical practitioners?"
Source: The Health Forum NZ FB Post