🔆Seventh Schedule
✅The seventh schedule under Article 246 of the constitution deals with the division of powers between the union and the states.
✅ It contains three lists- Union List, State List and Concurrent List.
✅The union list details the subjects on which Parliament may make laws while the state list details those under the purview of state legislatures.
✅The concurrent list on the other hand has subjects in which both Parliament and state legislatures have jurisdiction. However the Constitution provides federal supremacy to Parliament on concurrent list items in case of a conflict.
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✅The seventh schedule under Article 246 of the constitution deals with the division of powers between the union and the states.
✅ It contains three lists- Union List, State List and Concurrent List.
✅The union list details the subjects on which Parliament may make laws while the state list details those under the purview of state legislatures.
✅The concurrent list on the other hand has subjects in which both Parliament and state legislatures have jurisdiction. However the Constitution provides federal supremacy to Parliament on concurrent list items in case of a conflict.
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