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Про симметрик юнионы без полинома джонса и гомологий хованова интересного почти ничего не доказали, а мы доказали


The cruelest month &c &c

>During the act, men dressed as the Devil (known as the Colacho) in red and yellow suits jump over babies born during the previous twelve months who lie on mattresses in the street. The "devils" hold whips and oversized castanets as they jump over the infant children.

>The origins of the tradition are unknown, but it is said to cleanse the babies of original sin, ensuring them safe passage through life and guarding against illness and evil spirits.


Гутен абенд

>Contemporary Ritual Mask. Ouagadougou


Подаю заявку немедленно

>This […] fellowship encourages early-career researchers to pursue full-time academic research into fundamental […] problems in diamond design and evaluation

>Applicants are not required to have previous experience with diamonds or gemstones, but an appreciation of visual aesthetics is a plus

>Fellows are expected to work with the diamond-cut research team

>Creative applications of higher mathematics to the world of diamonds are encouraged!


Последнее время работаю только под арво пярта и группу кис-кис, пярта скидывать не буду ведь все культурные люди и так знают, а у вторых последний ип очень заводной, рекомендую


Репост из: Lacan's Whore House

Репост из: Левитов о шахматах
🔥 Любимая партия Шиманова

Недавно Александр Шиманов играл в турнире Aeroflot Open 2024 — крупном фестивале в Москве с участием многих сильных гроссмейстеров. В призы Сан Саныч не попал, зато вживую увидел партию, которая вошла в его личный топ-10 "лучших партий всех времен и народов", и решил поделиться увлекательным поединком со зрителями нашего канала.

Бескомпромиссная схватка Бориса Савченко и Джавохира Синдарова — в рубрике "Мои любимые партии"!


Партия конечно огонь, но до конца я досмотрел потому что лучше шиманова по-русски никто не комментирует

>Frame's celebrity derived from her dramatic personal history as well as her literary career. Following years of psychiatric hospitalisation, Frame was scheduled for a lobotomy that was cancelled when, just days before the procedure, her debut publication of short stories was unexpectedly awarded a national literary prize.

>Later, a panel of psychiatrists determined that she had never had schizophrenia. In the sort of bitterly perceptive, highly personalized twist that infuses much of her writing, that news did not please her.

>“Oh why had they robbed me of my schizophrenia, which had been the answer to all my misgivings about myself?” she wrote in the third volume of her autobiography, which, with the first two, was dramatized in Jane Campion's 1990 film “An Angel at My Table.”


>“For me, there isn’t a more suitable medium than a racing car.”
— Jenny Holzer

The BMW V12 Le Mans Roadster created by Jenny Holzer for [1999] BMW Art Car features six short texts from her Truisms and Survival series, rendered in chrome letters and phosphorescent paint.

Protect me from what I want
The unattainable is invariably attractive
You are so complex you don’t respond to danger
Lack of charisma can be fatal
Monomania is a prerequisite of success
What urge will save us now that sex won’t?


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