Wir für Hongkong

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WIR FÜR HONGKONG is a concern group formed by Hong Kongers living in Germany. Our political stand is clear: we support the democratic movement in Hong Kong against the corrosive rule of the Chinese Communist Party.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/w4hongkong

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International cross-party legislators have just launched the "Inter-Parlimentary Alliance on China" (IPAC) due to the rising threats on global human rights posed by China.

We hope this alliance could rein in China and safeguard our core values.

Website: www.ipac.global
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ipacglobal?s=09


🎈Today's Demonstration ended peacefully. But the protest 31 years ago at Tiananmen Square ended completely differently.

Hereby we would like to deliver our blessings not only for those who sacrificed at Tiananmen Square, but also our sisters and brothers who keep fighting for real democracy in Hong Kong

Justice for the victims of Tiananmen Square massacre!
Justice for the people of Hong Kong!
Justice for all who are silenced by the CCP!

1989 Tiananmen Massacre📍

It has been 31 years since then but the Chinese government are still refusing to admit the fact in front of their citizens.

We should never forget the bloody crackdown on Tiananmen Square that leads to thousands of sacrifices, who just want to liberate their country and to defend their basic human rights.

Here is a 10-mins video explaining what happened this day in history:

Reminder: There will be a protest in front of the Chinese embassy today at 09:30. Join us if you are free!

Upcoming Interview with Liao Yiwu📡📡📡

今年是六四天安門大屠殺發生後第三十一年,香港政府藉着武漢肺炎而限制聚會,拒絕發放「不反對通知書」,致使六四紀念晚會於香港首度缺席。Wir für Hong Kong將於六四當天訪問在國際上獲獎無數的著名中國作家廖亦武,他亦會在當天朗讀他的詩作,當中包括他為香港寫的《二次屠殺》,呼應30年前他於1989年在6月4日凌晨,在天安門大屠殺進行之際朗讀的《大屠殺》。


是次訪談將會在Wir für Hong Kong的YouTube頻道以直播形式舉行,詳情請於當天留意以下網址或我們在專頁的公告:

訪談及朗讀語言:普通話/ 國語


廖於六四後的作品包括長詩《大屠殺》(1989)、電影《安魂》(1990)、《邊緣人採訪錄》(1999) 均被官方查禁,因而不能離開中國。



2015年 法國Mouans-Sartoux書展「法國抵抗詩人奬」
2016年 前東德秘密警察監獄政治犯基金會「霍恩舍恩豪森獎」
2018年 美國紐約瓦茨拉夫.哈維爾圖書基金會「擾亂安定—無懼危難作家獎」


Demonstration für ein freies Hongkong!

Am Jahrestag des Massakers am Platz des Himmlischen Friedens wird es eine von den JuLis organisierte Demo für ein freies Hong Kong direkt vor der chinesischen Botschaft geben! Falls Ihr aus dem Umkreis von Berlin kommt, traut euch doch zu erscheinen und das Event weiterzuverbreiten 😉
On the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre there will be organised protests in front of the Chinese embassy. If you're from the Berlin area, please join and RT!

Time: Thursday, 4 June 2020 from 09:30-10:00 UTC+02
Location: Chinesische Botschaft

Hosted by FDP, Linda Teuteberg, Junge Liberale JuLis Berlin
and Junge Liberale JuLis



Citizens' Press Conference(CPC) conducted a questionnaire regarding the national security law.

370024 responses were received.

Highlighting questions:
Q1: Do you support National People's Congress's imposition of the national security law on Hong Kong?

Yes (0.9%) No (98.6%)

Q3: The national security law is able to quell street protests
Strongly disagree (71.4%)

Q7c: The judicial system in Hong Kong will be able to monitor those establishments(institution and enforcement mechanisms for the preservation of national security) effective and safeguard the basic rights of Hong Kong citizens.

Yes (4.0%) No(96.0%)

[Translated commentary]
Who should be afraid of “mutual destruction” – Beijing or Hong Kongers?

//.....However, economically speaking, it is uncertain if it would be a disaster or blessing to the general public of Hong Kong if the United States were to cancel Hong Kong’s status as an independent customs territory one day and Hong Kong were to lose its status as China’s offshore financial centre. For a long time, one of the root causes of Hong Kong’s livelihood problems has been its over-reliance on the monopoly of financial and real estate sectors as a unitary economic structure. The rich and powerful from China used to come to Hong Kong for its identity and jump ship for the West via Hong Kong. Without the dirty money coming to Hong Kong for laundering and the hot money which speculates in real estates and stocks, the housing prices and rents in Hong Kong may fall. After some economic pains, Hong Kong’s economy may transform into one which focuses on autonomy, grassroots and local consumption similar to that in southern Taiwan which many in Hong Kong long for....//

For further contents, check it out on our website:

Interview mit David Missal📡📡📡

---für deutsch runter scrollen---
Last week we had an online interview with David Missal, a China expert based in Germany who previously got his student visa terminated because of his film project about human rights lawyers in China. Apart from his experience in China, he also talked about the new national security law to be imposed in Hong Kong and his concerns regarding Germany-China bilateral relationship.

The open letter he wrote to German foreign affairs minister Heiko Maas in response to the national security law in Hong Kong:

His twitter: https://twitter.com/DavidJRMissal


Letzte Woche hatten wir Gelegenheit zu einem Interview mit David Missal, dem in Deutschland lebenden China Experten. Ihm würde 2018 aufgrund seines Filmprojekts über Menschenrechts Anwälte in China, sein Studierenden Visa in China nicht verlängert und er wurde des Landes verwiesen. Neben seinen Erfahrungsberichten aus China, spricht er über das neue Nationale Sicherheitsgesetz, welches bald in Hongkong in Kraft treten wird und über die politischen und bildungspolitischen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und China.

Unter anderem schrieb er einen Offenen Brief an Außenminister Heiko Maas, in dem Missal eine konkrete Antwort auf Chinas neues Nationales Sicherheitsgesetz fordert.


His twitter: https://twitter.com/DavidJRMissal

Jensen, Gyde, FDP spricht über das Sicherheitsgesetz📍

//Diese Sicherheitsgesetz ist nicht nur ein Vertragsbruch. Es ist auch ein Vertrauensbruch. //

Klicken Sie auf den Link, um sich das Video Sicherheitsgesetz für Hongkong anzusehen:

FDP have just made a new overlay for Facebook Icon❤️

Simply change your facebook icon under these links to show your support for Hong Kong people




//President Donald Trump intensified his confrontation with China by punishing the country for the coronavirus pandemic and its steps to curb Hong Kong’s autonomy, moving toward revoking the territory’s special trade status under U.S. law.//


Heutige Veranstaltung im LIVE STREAM (19Uhr-21Uhr)

Liebe Teilnehmer*innen,
heute wird die Veranstaltung über youtube LIVE Übertragen. Nach den Vortrag wird es die übliche Q&A geben, aber keine Gruppendiskussionen. Nach dem Vortrag werden wir in einem Dialogue über die neuesten Ereignisse und das "Gesetz zur Wahrung der nationalen Sicherheit" Chinas reden. Im Dialog könnt ihr gerne Fragen stellen und Meinungen Äußern, dafür dem Meeting via Jitsi Link (https://meet.jit.si/JenseitsvonCorona) beitreten - wer einfach nur zu schauen will kann über unseren YouTube Account ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mzpB-vYoKKCyWqDtySGWQ) zuschauen.

Event announcement: We will go live on YouTube tonight from 7pm to 9pm!
Due to the intensified situation in Hong Kong, we have several special arrangements for tonight.
1. Stage discussion instead of group discussion. After the presentation and extended Q&A session, there will be a dialogue between speaker and moderator, participants are welcome to join by raising questions or adding insights.
2. To ensure better connection and provide a second choice for different kinds of participants, we recommend those who would like to join the discussion to join us in meeting room (https://meet.jit.si/JenseitsvonCorona) and those who don't feel like talking to watch our livestream on YouTube (our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6mzpB-vYoKKCyWqDtySGWQ)

Показано 17 последних публикаций.


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