All my friends think
All my friends think I'm over you
All my friends think I've moved on
I wonder if your friends think that too..
All my friends think I've forgotten US
All my friends think I'm gonna be happy
My heart now only knows how to rust
Broken bruised battered and bad
Like a old building looking though but Inside so sad
All my friends think I know what love is again
All my friends see my laugh and joy is their what they feel
What they will never know is that I'm still in deep pain
All my friends think I stop writing about you
All my friends think I write about rainbows and unicorns now
What they will never know is that it is not true
All my friends saw me cry for you and harm my self countless times
All my friends also cried with me when I told them what you did to me
What they will never know is that I see a future with you sometimes
I wonder what your friends think..
or did u even tell them about us?