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Khiva Tourism College, changed 01.09.2020.y September, the founder and tutor, Atadjanov Farrukh
You can find me:
My profile: @ KittoKatsu
My contact number: +998906490372
My gmail: kittokatsu10@gmail.com
My Instagram site: kitto_katsu_khiva

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Good morning to all of you!

Biologya fani abiturientlari uchun juda ajoyib yangilik😁👍

Biologya fanidan 1- fevraldan joriy etilgan sertifikat olishni istaydigan abituriyentlar uchun alohida guruh uchun qabul boshlanganini e'lon qilamiz.

-Bu guruhda darslar kamida 4 soat⏰ davom etib haftasiga 4 kun dars bo'ladi. Xar hafta mukammal testlar bilan taminlanib borilasiz

-Professionallarga ishoning.👍

-To'liq ma'lumot olish uchun lichkaga murojat qiling.

Tutor: Jumaniyozov Abdulla

Shogirdlarimizdan biri, tez orada yangi guruh ochmoqchi, hammangizni taklif qilib qolamiz!

Sardor Mamadaliyev - Onam qariganin sezmay qolibman
Сайт: http://muz-xit.com
Канал: @muzxit_com

Onalarni asrang, azizlar!

Hello dear IELTS taker,

You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order:


Date: day.month.year.
Speaking 07.10.2020
Main test 10.10.2020
Test Centre: Afrosiab 4A, INHA university
Venue/City: Tashkent
Examiner: Tim
Candidate: Akhmedjonova Mokhira
Exam type: Speaking/Writing/Reading/Listening

Part 1:

Part 2:
Describe a film that you watched

Part 3:
- Related questions

P.S: examiner was seriously, he didn't asked me "why"

Part-1 complate notes
Part-2 multiple choise
Part-3 multiple choice and matching
Part-4 complate notes

P1: Paragraph headings
Multiple choice
P2: Paragraph matching
Matching features
P3: Y N NG
Multiple choice
Complete sentence

Task 1 line graph and two pie charts
Task 2 Some scientists suggest that nature is necessary for people's mental and physical health. However, many people do not contact with nature.
Why is that?
What measures should do to improve this situation?

Speaking Date:07.10.2020
Main test date:10.10.2020
Test centre:Idp
Venue/city:Toshkent Afrosiyob 4A.Main test(Inha University)
Candidate:Rejabboyeva Dinora
Exam type:Speaking Listening Reading Writing
Part1:home and newspaper/magazine
Part2:Describe a important occasion when you wear new clothe
Part3:related to part2 about clothes
Writing task1 Mixed line graph+pie chart (global population)
Task2 Studies suggest that contact with nature is necessary for good mentality and physical health. Why people don't contact with nature
What should be done to improve this situation.
Reading: is a bit difficult.
Listening is easier except section4.

Our candidate's details for IELTS exam

New Decoration for our Grammar Room

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🎬 ➺ Uch iks " xXx " (2016)
🇺🇿 ➺ O'zbek Tilida [720p/HD]
🌍 ➺ Davlati: AQSH
⚔ ➺ Janri: Jangari, Triller

📡 ᴋᴀɴᴀʟ

Relaxing Time [ I really recommend you to this movie in your free time ]

⚡️🦠 COVID-19нинг турлари ва шакллари шуни кўрсатмоқдаки, пандемиянинг иккинчи тўлқини бўлмайди — Жаҳон соғлиқни сақлаш ташкилоти.

👉 @burchakostida

News Time

Ronaldu va Messining o'zaro o'yinlardagi statistikasi.

Ular 2 haftadan keyin yana to'qnash kelishlari mumkin.

🖥FUTBOLTV rasmiy sahifalari✅👇

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Relaxing Time

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