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🔰 x30 Wondershare Accounts with [ Dr.Fone toolkit - File recover - Filmora and more ] 🔰


The middle class 20 year old is richer than the wealthy 80 year old.

Think about it.

🏙🏞🌇 Geo Tools

geocreepy → https://www.geocreepy.com/

Sentinel Hub → https://www.sentinel-hub.com/

Geosocial Footprint → http://geosocialfootprint.com/

Batch Geocoder For Journalists → https://geocode.localfocus.nl/

Geocoding by SmartMonkey - Google Workspace Marketplace → https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/geocoding_by_smartmonkey/1033231575312


OpenLayers → https://openlayers.org/

Google Maps Platform  |  Google DevelopersGoogleGoogle → https://developers.google.com/maps

Leaflet → https://leafletjs.com/

Welcome to the QGIS project! → https://www.qgis.org/en/site/

Planet → https://www.planet.com/

Welcome to MapServer → https://mapserver.org/

Mapguide Osgeo → https://mapguide.osgeo.org/

🔖Top Sites To Explore Public Files - 2024

It’s the internet equivalent of exploring an old attic - but instead of a flashlight, you’re equipped with keywords.

🟢Find public files in Amazon S3
🖥 Website: 🔗https://s3digger.com

🟢Find public files in Dropbox
🖥 Website: 🔗https://drodigger.com

🟢Find public files in Disk Yandex
🖥 Website: 🔗https://yadigger.com

🟢Find public files in Google Drive
🖥 Website: 🔗https://drodigger.com

🟢Find public files in Telegram Server
🖥 Website: 🔗https://teledigger.com

🟢Find public files in other file sharing sites
🖥 Website: 🔗https://fidigger.com

🟢Find public files on url shortening sites
🖥 Website: 🔗https://shortdigger.com

🔰 X8 SFR Accounts Working Fresh 🔰

bien_c@sfr.fr:Cb30121968@ | ✉ = 24 | 📩 = 2 | Config By = | JOIN = 🔥✌

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🔰 16x SurfEasy Free VPN fresh 🔰


🔰 SkyReels AI | Visualize Your Story | Turn Text To A Movie 🔰

The First AI Agent to Turn Text into a Movie


last 3 weeks tradebook with Premium Members in Stock Group 💥

Trades running in profit 🤪

1) NiftyBees ( 247 --> 261 | 6% 💚 )
2) JuniorBees ( 611 ---> 672 | 10% 💚 )
3) Waree energies ( 2170 ---> 2352 | 8% 💚 )
4) PGEL ( 846 ---> 946 | 12% 💚 )
5) Chennai Petro ( 529 ---> 632 | 20% 💚 )
6) Hikal ( 391 ---> 410 | 5% 💚 )
7) Kotak Bank ( 2020 ---> 2095 | 3.70% 💚 )
8) BBOX ( 349 ---> 359 | 3% 💚 )
9) Taril ( 382 ---> 486 | 27% )
10) Emcure Pharma ( 1015 ---> 1050 | 3% 💚 )

Booked full profit as intraday or short term 😍

1) KRN ( 918 ---> 936 | 2% 💚 )
3) Taj GVK ( 474 ---> 505 | 6.5% 💚 )
4) Vadilal ( 4058 ---> 5200 | 28% 💚 )
5) Avanti Feeds ( 783 ---> 933 | 19% 💚 )
6) SDBL ( 123 ---> 131 | 9% 💚 )
7) Johnson Hitachi ( 1727 ---> 1880% 10% 💚 )
8) NLC ( 235 ---> 269 | 15% 💚 )
9) Senores ( 600 ---> 635 | 6% 💚 )
10) GulfOil ( 1250 ---> 1300 | 4% 💚 )

Trades closed with SL 😖

1) Sai Life ( 760 ---> 738 | 3% ❌ )

🔰 Globe Explorer | A Visual Search Engine For Easy Learning 🔰

Globe Explorer: A Visual Search Engine for Easy Learning

Globe Explorer is a search engine that helps you learn new topics by looking at images. This site creates a complete list for any topic you choose, illustrating each section with relevant images or diagrams so you can find information more easily.


Enjoy 👍❤️

Credits : SaM

Bash Scripting Basics


1 - Use a pre-made IP logger like these two most famous: Grabify: (https://grabify.link/) Ip Logger: (https://iplogger.org)

2 - Create a Gmail account and let the victim login, once they login, go to that account, scroll down until you find a details button and you will see their IP in the IP logs history (make sure you use a VPN cause if they know about this they can also get your IP address)

3 - Make them share screen and ask them to go to a website that shows their IP address, like for example the method I showed before

4 - Make your own website and use an IP Logger script, you don't need to make one, just grab a free website template, a free domain and a pre-made IP logger script, it will be more trusted to use this instead of the grabify or IP logger, since them links are very famous

5 - Create a fake steam account and activate steam guard there, then let them login saying you giving a free steam account with games, and when they login you will get the steam guard code along with the victim IP address on your email

6 - Create a fake Netflix account and let them login, then go to IP logs history and get the victim IP

7 - If they play GTA v you can get them to share screen and go to social club, network and the IP address will appear

8 - If they play Black Ops 3 just make them share screen and go to settings and networking the victim IP address will appear there

9 - If you in a ps3 game, ps4 party or Xbox party use a sniffer to get the IP address of everyone in that party, if you using ps4 I recommend console sniffer, if you using an Xbox I recommend re-lanc remastered or re-lanc v

10 - Do a fake discord verify that for the person to be member needs to go to an IP logger link and then you save is IP address

11 - Use a Discord Token Grabber you will get the victim IP and discord token

12 - Use a .exe or .py IP grabber

13 - Create a fake epic games account and enable 2fa then give them the account you will get their IP on your email along with the 2fa code

14 - If they don't know anything about PC's just ask them to search my IP on google and tell you the numbers, saying it's for something they need (just be creative)

15 - If you can go to the victim's house just connect to their internet and search my IP address on google

16 - Teach the victim how to do a free DDoS attack and make a stressthem account for him, then when they login just go to login history and you will get the victim IP

17 - Do a fivem server and make them join, and you will get their IP on your database

18 - Do a CSGO server and make them join, you will get their IP since they connecting to your server

19 - Search for their email or username and try to find if their stuff was ever leaked that way you can be lucky and get their IP and information

20 - If your victim plays or played Minecraft search their username in a Minecraft database leaked

You should buy assets because you shouldn't want to spend the rest of your life building someone else's dream. Build yours.

If you are poor at the age of 25 than its not your fault. You cant be poor at the age of 40. Turn around your life in those 15 years. Stack assets & be Fooking rich.

🎣 Top 13 Public Phishing Tools in 2024

🔹 1. Phishing Frenzy:
github.com/pentestgeek/phishing-frenzy 🎉 
🔹 2. Ghost Phisher:
github.com/savio-code/ghost-phisher 👻 
🔹 3. King Phisher:
github.com/rsmusllp/king-phisher 👑 
🔹 4. WiFiPhisher:
github.com/wifiphisher/wifiphisher 📶 
🔹 5. GoPhish:
github.com/gophish/gophish 🚀 
🔹 6. Zphisher:
github.com/htr-tech/zphisher ⚡ 
🔹 7. BlackPhish:
github.com/iinc0gnit0/BlackPhish 🖤 
🔹 8. OhMyQR:
github.com/cryptedwolf/ohmyqr 🤳 
🔹 9. SayCheese:
github.com/hangetzzu/saycheese 📸 
🔹 10. I-See-You:
github.com/Viralmaniar/I-See-You 👀 
🔹 11. Social Engineer Toolkit (SET):
github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit 🛠️ 
🔹 12. Evilginx:
github.com/kgretzky/evilginx 😈 
🔹 13. SocialFish:
github.com/UndeadSec/SocialFish 🐟 



🔰 60x HBO MAX Premuim Accounts 🔰


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