Репост из: 🎁 Bpay | Bountypay Official
Dear Bpayers 📣
The Daily Lucky event beta testing phase has been completed. 🤝
During the beta period, rewards were sent to winners without any problems. 🫡
In the current process, we are now making the Daily Lucky event a part of Bpay. You can now win prizes by participating in the Daily Lucky event every day. 🎁
We continue to develop for the community. Stay with us. 👨💻
Bpay for the Community🚀
The Daily Lucky event beta testing phase has been completed. 🤝
During the beta period, rewards were sent to winners without any problems. 🫡
In the current process, we are now making the Daily Lucky event a part of Bpay. You can now win prizes by participating in the Daily Lucky event every day. 🎁
We continue to develop for the community. Stay with us. 👨💻
Bpay for the Community🚀