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TL; DR: What do you think of durov's end of anonymity on telegram and what are the consequences for us, Free porn enjoyers ?
I have a concern since yesterday:
Here is a message from Durov, the founder of telegram, from hisofficial channel
Source: https://t.me/durov/345
Here is my concern:
Since we are all sharing porn content, mostly paid, is there any possibility that we can be in trouble from sharing paid content here ?
It's just to know what all of you think of the situation.
I have a concern since yesterday:
Here is a message from Durov, the founder of telegram, from hisofficial channel
🔎 Search on Telegram is more powerful than in other messaging apps because it allows users to find public channels and bots. Unfortunately, this feature has been abused by people who violated our Terms of Service to sell illegal goods.
💪 Over the last few weeks, a dedicated team of moderators, leveraging AI, has made Telegram Search much safer. All the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible. If you still manage to find something unsafe or illegal in Telegram Search, please report it to us via @SearchReport.
🚫 To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram Search, we have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world. We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests.
☝️ These measures should discourage criminals. Telegram Search is meant for finding friends and discovering news, not for promoting illegal goods. We won't let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users.
Source: https://t.me/durov/345
Here is my concern:
Since we are all sharing porn content, mostly paid, is there any possibility that we can be in trouble from sharing paid content here ?
It's just to know what all of you think of the situation.