Atlantean "Fascist" Alternative

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

Antifascism is a valid alternative to fascism (formerly Australian Fascist Alternative)
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Antifascists in so-called Australia stand in solidarity with the four comrades of the “Antifa East” trial in Germany!

Arrested in November of 2020, Lina has been imprisoned for the duration of her lengthy and highly politicised trial. Lina and her comrades have recently been sentenced to 3-5+ years in prison under puffed up charges inferring they belong to a highly organised and criminal organisation.

Antifascists across Germany have poured out into the streets this week dissenting the verdict, with thousands demonstrating in Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Leipzig, Cologne and Dresden, with banners emblazoned with slogans like “Freedom for all political prisoners!” and “The FRG is not our state, all power to the proletariat!”


Same shit, different day

does steffi ever get to drive the gang anywhere or what?


can one of you very special allafays get a sneaky photo of him next to a measuring tape? that'd be a good laff

*doink* 🏈😭

Actual footage of the furher climbing his version of Everest to put a flag in it…it’s a wedding cake…what else can you expect when all it takes to drop a furher is a can of beans




We RuN ViCtOrIa!!


How embarrassing. Snitched on by your own. Like leader like little piggies I suppose. NSN try not to snitch on themselves or each other challenge: impossible

Thanks to old mate for sending this one in, and of course thanks to Tommy for posing for this picture! 🤠

most importantly, huge shout out to comrade Heinz! 🫘

🫘 comrade Heinz 🫘

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Hello friends, we hope you're all feeling okay after our win on Saturday. We did great working together, and taking care of our mates. We sent the fash a clear message and firmly drove them off our streets!

NSN are of course pretending they won the day, because everything they say is a distortion of reality. Looking at the statements they've made you can see how unphased they are after being humiliated. They really dont care, especially Jim (hi jim).

Remember to take some time to check in with yourself, and do something nice with the people that you love.

Please enjoy this video, and don't forget that when the courts let Tommy off to be with his family, he immediately started using his newborn daughter for fascist propaganda. Because t's not about protecting children, or the number migrants to this country, it's about killing people he doesn't agree with because he's a filthy nazi, and a deadbeat dad.

Only together can we protect our communities, and send the fascist rats back to their mummy's basements.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The 'My Dad Didn't Pull Out' Neck

Did anyone go check up on their roided up Neckhole of a mate Jim, or did they just abandon him to the cops? Brotherhood though, hey lads? 🍾

Must be hard when only the same group of crying losers turn up to your big and bad rally you even tried to promote with a second poster to appeal to the masses. There were no masses or shoes to be found for some. 🐳

How’s Brodie Potts cousin feeling right now?


Tom getting beaned surpasses Jim getting bottled (sorry Jim)
🫘 🍾

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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