The Absolute State of Britain

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A Podcast. Now including memes.

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🅱️eady-Anglos-Я-Us Propaganda Storage Facility dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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"Let it go on until the civil war comes"


Sorry constables, we lost our assault spoons in a boating accident.

Fire bad but also sometimes good

TASOB #4 is live! Get it before the lads go to jail for thought-crime.
Episode 4: Faygeleh of Thrones
Ash, Yuro Peon and NativistConcern ponder why Game of Thrones went from passable soft-core pornography to propaganda, transsexual sports-vegetables, and the CIA trying to overthrow yet another...

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ICYMI: Episode 3 of The Absolute State of Britain is up! Listen now before we go to gulag.
Episode 3: Based Gimli Vs Autistic Teen Enviro-Swede
Ash, Yuro Peon and Nativist Concern return for more premium Anglo content. Discussing how to save the environment with nuclear weapons, why Nigel Farage is a git, and the Supreme Commander of the...

The Absolute State of Britain: Episode 3!
Episode 3: Based Gimli Vs Autistic Teen Enviro-Swede
Ash, Yuro Peon and Nativist Concern return for more premium Anglo content. Discussing how to save the environment with nuclear weapons, why Nigel Farage is a git, and the Supreme Commander of the...

The Absolute State of Britain dan repost
The Absolute State of Britain: Episode 2!
Liberalism: Burning Books, Burning Churches
FEATURING: Notre Dame Islamic Arson // Sri Lanka Easter Worshipper Kebab Surprise // Saint Steven of Lawrence // Blanket Social Media Censorship and Amazon Book Burnings // PLUS the...

The Absolute State of Britain: Episode 2!
Liberalism: Burning Books, Burning Churches
FEATURING: Notre Dame Islamic Arson // Sri Lanka Easter Worshipper Kebab Surprise // Saint Steven of Lawrence // Blanket Social Media Censorship and Amazon Book Burnings // PLUS the...

The Absolute State of Britain dan repost
Episode 2 is live!
Liberalism: Burning Books, Burning Churches
FEATURING: Notre Dame Islamic Arson // Sri Lanka Easter Worshipper Kebab Surprise // Saint Steven of Lawrence // Blanket Social Media Censorship and Amazon Book Burnings // PLUS the...

Episode 2 is live!
Liberalism: Burning Books, Burning Churches
FEATURING: Notre Dame Islamic Arson // Sri Lanka Easter Worshipper Kebab Surprise // Saint Steven of Lawrence // Blanket Social Media Censorship and Amazon Book Burnings // PLUS the...

Our pilot podcast is now up! The Absolute State of Britain Episode One: Live from Airstrip Honk 🤡🌍🇬🇧
Episode 1: Live from Airstrip Honk
Your panel of Ash, Nativist Concern and Yuro discuss UKIP, Drag Queen Story Time in North Wales, Brexitshambles, and Africans. The noticing intensifies.

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'Ave it lads

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