3. Sheikh Muhammad ibn 'AbdilWahhaab Al-Banna rahimahullah
▪️سئل الشيخ -رحمه الله- بعد حوار مع الشيخ-: ليس كما يدّعي بعضهم أنهم غيّروا وبدّلوا بعد الشيخ مقبل؟؟ فأجاب رحمه الله: (والله ما أدري ماذا أقوال والله، والله ما أدري ماذا أقوال، يعني الآن أفضل مكان تريد تتعلم فيه السلفية على حقيقتها بالعلم والعمل هي دماج والله، الآن مكة دخلها الخوّان المفلسون أفسدوها والله، اللي عاوز يتعلم السلفية الصحيحة مع العمل في دماج...والله أحسن الناس الآن.)
The Sheikh rahimahullah was asked after a discussion with the Sheikh: “So it's not as some of them claim that they changed and altered (their way) after (the passing of) Sheikh Muqbil? The Sheikh responded: By Allah! I don't know what to say. By Allah! I don't know what to say. I mean, the best place right now to learn Salafiyyah in its true form with knowledge and action And work is Dammaj, by Allah. Now Makkah has been infiltrated by the bankrupt traitors (Ikhwanis), who have corrupted it. By Allah, whoever wants to learn the correct Salafiyyah with action (it's) in Dammaj...By Allah, they are the best people now.”
[source: https://t.me/AlHajoori/11]
▪️سئل الشيخ -رحمه الله- بعد حوار مع الشيخ-: ليس كما يدّعي بعضهم أنهم غيّروا وبدّلوا بعد الشيخ مقبل؟؟ فأجاب رحمه الله: (والله ما أدري ماذا أقوال والله، والله ما أدري ماذا أقوال، يعني الآن أفضل مكان تريد تتعلم فيه السلفية على حقيقتها بالعلم والعمل هي دماج والله، الآن مكة دخلها الخوّان المفلسون أفسدوها والله، اللي عاوز يتعلم السلفية الصحيحة مع العمل في دماج...والله أحسن الناس الآن.)
The Sheikh rahimahullah was asked after a discussion with the Sheikh: “So it's not as some of them claim that they changed and altered (their way) after (the passing of) Sheikh Muqbil? The Sheikh responded: By Allah! I don't know what to say. By Allah! I don't know what to say. I mean, the best place right now to learn Salafiyyah in its true form with knowledge and action And work is Dammaj, by Allah. Now Makkah has been infiltrated by the bankrupt traitors (Ikhwanis), who have corrupted it. By Allah, whoever wants to learn the correct Salafiyyah with action (it's) in Dammaj...By Allah, they are the best people now.”
[source: https://t.me/AlHajoori/11]