Postlar filtri

Alt Skull's Charnel House dan repost
This is from last month. I told you guys there are no coincidences.


No BS it's the Jews®️ dan repost
This is what The System Desires Most.
#WakeUp you're being set up......
"One Step Closer" They Tell You...

Wownero Whale 🐋 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
🇨🇳⛈️ The World economic forum promoted a video of the Chinese communist party investing in weather manipulation

Ape Mountain 3.0 dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
>tfw you finally break down right before Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed


Alt Skull's Charnel House dan repost
Possible predictive programming for chaos surrounding a second Trump Presidency. From TheologyEd


Alt Skull's Charnel House dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Trump 88 (short version)


Alt Skull's Charnel House dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Attempted "Climate" Lockdowns Incoming.

Hope you guys have been preparing for this because why wouldn't they do it when everyone completely went along with the ridiculous fake covid lockdowns? It's not like these motherfuckers just give up power once they've gotten a taste of it.


Housekeeping post.

If for some reason you're not following @AltSkull48 please do so now. This channel is long dead.

Lt. Col. Evola's Hate Emporium dan repost
She intended to deploy her tazer but used her firearm instead.

Females back to the kitchen. Now.

Lt. Col. Evola's Hate Emporium dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Police bodycam footage of Daunte Wright police shooting in Minnesota.

Right now the 'Community Leaders' are starting a fire with their rhetoric.

Police seem to be saying it was 'accidental'.

Sub to @AltSkull48 now dan repost
In the end, real people with actual human souls still need to work to execute the needs of the System.

If they disagree with and work against the needs of that evil System, the System ultimately fails, and this is borne out by Biblical prophesy.

So we who follow Christ win in the end no matter what.

So there is nothing to fear.

God wins.

Simple as.

Sub to @AltSkull48 now dan repost
covid vax card.pdf
This looks interesting. Be a shame if people downloaded it and shared it with their frens.

Noma’lum dan repost
VM: Super-short followup to the VM I just made about how to get around the coming vaccine passport "papers please" restrictions. It's not all bad guys.


Chupacabra Kennel dan repost

White Awakening ᛉ dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
In 2021 The Anti - Agenda couldn't be more clear.
ANTI-Christian, ANTI-White, Anti-Male, ANTI-Str8, ANTI-Nationalist, ANTI-VAX.
There is no excuse for wilfully being ignorant. Wake the FUCK UP!
BeFore it's TOO LATE.

Sub to @AltSkull48 now dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
So it turns out the COVID TEST is exponentially more dangerous to human health than COVID itself, which has a 99.97% complete recovery rate.

If you stick this literal poison up your child's nose you could potentially kill them easily, when there is statistically ZERO chance they will die from it if you don't.

Sub to @AltSkull48 now dan repost
VM: Papers please? Proof of Vaccination? Oh, so the crazy cOnSpiRaCy tHeOriSthS like Skull turned out to be right the entire time? Are you listening now? Still don't want to get vaccinated but fear the NWO one world System that's being rolled out? Well this VM is for you!

March 29th, 2021


Jack Dawkins dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
The evergreen finally moved.

Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺 dan repost
Everyone who calls themselves a nationalist should probably read this.

For generations the marxists/leftists/journalists have used a weapon against us which has been devastating to our efforts to organise and gain influence over our own kin, and not one of us seems to have fully recognised this weapon for what it is or how to use it to our own advantage.

This weapon is curse words.
As we’re well aware, the marxists refer to us as racists, sexists, homophobes, neo-nazis etc. These are curse words because:

a) Everybody in society knows these words and thinks they understand what they mean.

b) These words are associated with cruelty, prejudice, hate and genocide.

c) Through their constant application they inflict on a targeted person or group of persons severe reputation damage, social isolation, bankruptcy and woe.

Once you’ve been cursed with these words it’s almost impossible to dispel that curse, unless you know how to use it in the reverse.

It doesn’t matter what the terms racist, sexist, nazi, etc actually mean or what they mean to us. What matters is that these terms in the eyes of the majority are defining a repulsive, evil thing. They also sound nasty to the average person, they have bite to them. They are effective curse words and have been for some time.

The typical response to this curse from our side has been hiding, grovelling or subjective martyrdom, meaning half of “the right wing” or nationalist community either hides from the curse (anonymity) or falls to its knees and offers to pay homage to the enemy in order to avoid being cursed, while the other half flings its arms open to accept the enemy’s blade, they say “Yes, we’re racists” or “That’s right, we’re nazis”. But these are all passive responses and have never once in history produced any long term positive result for us.

And so rather than continuing to hide from or offer ourselves to the enemy as cannon fodder, my suggestion was always to respond to the aggression of the enemy with more aggression, to use “counter-curses” if you will.

In the couple of political groups I led or got involved with I stressed the importance of developing our own curse words.

The words I recommended were:

Xenophillia/Xenophile: being the opposite of xenophobia, not only is this word given some intense bite by the fact it rhymes with pedophile, but it’s no lie since the definition of the term would be a person with an unnatural obsession with or subservience to a race other than their own, and that is exactly what white “Leftists” are, Xenophiles. It would also be easy to associate this state of mind with mental illness.

Also: Homophillia/Homophile: Again this is a reversed version of the enemy’s curse “homophobe” which in our case refers to a person with an unnatural obsession or fascination with homosexualism. The same principles apply and variants of these terms are easy to come up with.

Not only do I believe these could be extremely effective curse words but they can also be intellectualised/given detailed definitions, legitimising them and causing average people to “feel more intelligent” from having understood or used them in everyday conversation –the same way the enemy intellectualises and legitimises its curse words.

This message of mine has so far fallen on deaf ears, since much of the nationalist community seems more intent on infighting and larping as nazis on the internet. But I do implore everybody in our community to begin using these words and doing whatever is necessary to create legitimate and widely recognised definitions for them. Get these words into our everyday vocabulary, stop saying Leftist or Marxist as these terms are passive and nowhere near vicious enough. Start calling them what they really are, xenophillic homophiles, for example.

Them: “You sound like a racist.”
You: “You sound like a fucking Xenophile.”

Once our own curse words such as those I’ve suggested above become commonly used by everyday people (which should be our goal), it’ll quickly become extremely unpopular to be anything but nationalist.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.

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