En qué países de Latinoamérica se mantiene la pena de muerte? [BBC] https://perma.cc/YT42-8JZP
Pena de muerte en América Latina y el Caribe https://perma.cc/33Q5-N5WU
Debería México implementar la pena de muerte? Opiniones: yo digo que si, pero primero mejorar el sistema judicial que es una basura desde siempre https://perma.cc/4G74-3HSR
Answer from a Reddit user: Mientras en las cárceles hayan personas inocentes, o demasiado pobre para probar su inocencia, no estamos listos para esta conversación! This is the problem, how people get sentenced is 💩, but such things get mixed with the death sentence ... like Amnesty is doing too, promoting bullshit with no sense. We already shared many fact checks in previous posts.
A Clear Scientific Consensus that the Death Penalty does NOT Deter https://perma.cc/XY4W-WFEE
States without the death penalty continue to have significantly lower murder rates than those that retain capital punishment —> triple bullshit a) yes ø is more in USA for such stats, but b) check single stats too (and different years ...); plus don't check just things related to murder ... c) what you wrote about Canada is bullshit, check previous posts...
d) Cities where the murder rate has fallen this year include New York* (9.5%), Philadelphia (26.1%), New Orleans (20%), Minneapolis* (36.9%) and Chicago (7.9%), according to Asher’s data. https://perma.cc/G8XX-QNW8
States with and without the death penalty – 2023 * WITHOUT https://perma.cc/7V4N-YCA7
Pena de muerte en América Latina y el Caribe https://perma.cc/33Q5-N5WU
Debería México implementar la pena de muerte? Opiniones: yo digo que si, pero primero mejorar el sistema judicial que es una basura desde siempre https://perma.cc/4G74-3HSR
Answer from a Reddit user: Mientras en las cárceles hayan personas inocentes, o demasiado pobre para probar su inocencia, no estamos listos para esta conversación! This is the problem, how people get sentenced is 💩, but such things get mixed with the death sentence ... like Amnesty is doing too, promoting bullshit with no sense. We already shared many fact checks in previous posts.
A Clear Scientific Consensus that the Death Penalty does NOT Deter https://perma.cc/XY4W-WFEE
States without the death penalty continue to have significantly lower murder rates than those that retain capital punishment —> triple bullshit a) yes ø is more in USA for such stats, but b) check single stats too (and different years ...); plus don't check just things related to murder ... c) what you wrote about Canada is bullshit, check previous posts...
d) Cities where the murder rate has fallen this year include New York* (9.5%), Philadelphia (26.1%), New Orleans (20%), Minneapolis* (36.9%) and Chicago (7.9%), according to Asher’s data. https://perma.cc/G8XX-QNW8
States with and without the death penalty – 2023 * WITHOUT https://perma.cc/7V4N-YCA7