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Vivaldi implemented our suggestion. Now you can install previous versions directly by visiting the homepage. Brave, Opera, Edge instead still ignore it. Google still ignores the Mojave removal for Google Chrome and the batch Apple MacOS ban (up to High Sierra) for the login on Google services

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Next shit news is now available!

Meanwhile we are still discussing with the director of the MacOS Team to revert such shitty decision.

Next MacOS Downgrade available with Monterey & Ventura: MacOS Ends Support for Dropbox Sync Folders on External Drives

The update affects all Mac users running macOS 12.5 (Monterey) or macOS 13-plus (Ventura)

We updated our MacOS suggestion now with such info, but keep in mind that currently we are NOT using all such downgraded MacOS as our main MacOS. Our main MacOS are and will be Sierra and Mojave (like we say continuously, both are the best MacOS ever released), except if we buy a MBP2019 15inch (in such case it would be Catalina) or Apple CPU Macs (in such case it would be last Rosetta MacOS). Obviously we are running such MacOS on bootable SSD, but with a "low usage" (means the classic average Mac user usage). So currently we cannot share any experience about such downgrade.

If you want to stop this shit trend where devs disable multiple MacOS at the same time, you can write directly to Google too

Are you interested to know how many Setapp Mac Apps are compatible with different MacOS? We will cover such answer in the next time on @SetAppTelegram

It's time to talk honestly about such topic once at all. For more check

Most 20 important MacOS apps you need to use if you want to boost your workflows like never before, like running 10 Mac Pro inside just a MacBook Pro.
Currently we are still working on our new website, but in future we publish more things related to all things you do or need during your life.

Yesterday we wrote just our top 20 Mac Apps everyone should have on MacOS. Obviously there are much more apps.

If you are interested check

Current situation about the Google banning problem of MacOS High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite etc. login due to their shit OAuth 2.0, with no way to connect Gmail, Notes and other Google services to your Mac [Apple Mac ban]

As we announced previously on Reddit Google banned Apple few days ago, like they did previously with tons other devs (just think Spark, Airmail, Arq, and other E-Mail / Cloud / Calendar Mac Apps). For those we never complained directly to Google, even if we find such decisions just shit with no sense, making tons of Mac Apps just unusable, even if they would still work good (means without any dev update, if login would work). Plus we already had multiple experience previously with Google Devs, where they give just a shit to such things, like Apple Devs do too. For MacOS obviously we don't remain quiet, since is an huge problematic issue, especially because they exclude the last compatible Journaled MacOS, the only MacOS allowing proper backup / safety of your data.

Obviously we reported such shit to Google immediately. They wrote "we will submit to the relevant department and we will write you back"... until now we never get any answer. We wait few more days before we start again or use other ways to report such issue to the director of such department.

Remember to report such issue on Google too, because as always "more people reporting issues is better".

Do you want to discover new Mac Apps? Maybe check @MacAppDiscover where you can find single good apps from Mac Apps Bundles. Do you want all DMGs from MacApp Bundles? Maybe @SoftwareBundles is a good channel for you

Yes, obviously most important MacOS (Sierra, last Journaled, Mojave, last 32bit, and Ventura, probably last Rosetta) are on our cover.

Get all DMG from the last @Bundlehunt Mac App Bundle here and enjoy huge discounts on various Mac Apps

How much storage do you need if you want to install all @SetappTelegram Mac Apps on your Mac? The answer depends from which MacOS you use. If you want to install all available apps, you need 22GB | #setapp

Purchasing new Mac Apps is not so easy, because Apple removed the feature to buy such things on not compatible MacOS years ago. Reason why we listed all Macs "you need to have", if you want to buy such things without using @ParallelsDesktopTelegram | Never miss a deal again! | More infos and

TON Storage is coming to MacOS |

Next Generation of Telegram Mac App - Bugs at launch should be fixed soon

Kotatogram last beta is running on previous MacOS, this means MacOS 10.12 , 13 and 14 where previously the app crashed at login.

Telefuel has been shut down like Bettergram previously. Only works

Telegram Beta is again compatible with MacOS Sierra

Don't be idiot like most developers / people thinking that "more" or "last" is always synonym of "better". This is related to MacOS, Mac / Web Apps, or other tools. It's time to stop this bullshit idea by using the brain properly, comparing features, pro and contras. Like we always say "DON'T BE A SHEEP", be a true MacAppFreak using tools / software properly and rationally.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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