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Toifa: Musiqa

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Indoneziya, Indonezcha
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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

ily, Jeno

August 13, is a happy day for the owner of the sweetest smile in this world. today is Na Jaemin day, the handsome, talented and kind person is getting older. Thank you God for always beside him when he need you.

Happy Birthday to Na Jaemin and also all Na Jaemin rp-ers, especially for :
Naren, Jaska, Abhie, Winky, Rigel, Jolande, Ardhit, Kafka, Lana, Sastra, Axara, Tara, Liam, Reynad, Jesam, Mosha, Nallabie, and Jevian.

May you realuze how important you are in this world. May you take time each day to see the handsome, joy, and love that's all around you. Happy Birthday and Keep Support our Jaemin. 💚💚💚

With Love,

🐇. Nama muse sy dah

🐵. my muse, Doyoung

🐹. gatau arti username gue apa, keren aja

👤 17. meaning behind my username

🐹. anggap aja gue jawab

🐵. g ngerti, nanti salah ketik

🐇. Gak tau, gue gak paham. Gak konek, ngelag

🐊. mls mikir

🐥. Enggak tau, enggak pernah mikir soal itu

👤 7. a turn off

🐵. ofc anak aneh ❤️


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