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Telegram 创始人兼首席执行官 Pavel Durov 在法国被逮捕
加密通讯软件 Telegram 的创始人兼首席执行官于本周六晚8时左右在勒布尔热机场停机坪走出其私人飞机时被逮捕。39岁的 Pavel Durov 拥有法国和俄罗斯双重国籍,被逮捕时他正与保镖和一名女性在一起。
此次逮捕由 GTA(航空运输宪兵队)的宪兵执行。Pavel Durov 被列入 FDR(被通缉人员文件)当中,他刚从阿塞拜疆启程飞往法国。法国司法部未成年人办公室(OFMIN)已发布了一份基于初步调查的逮捕令。
司法部门认为,Telegram 缺乏内容审查,拒绝与执法部门合作,加之其提供匿名工具(如一次性号码、加密货币等),使 Pavel Durov 成为贩毒、儿童色情和诈骗的帮凶。
逮捕令仅在 Pavel Durov 身处法国领土时才生效。“他今晚犯了一个错误,我们不知道为什么……这次只是经停法国吗?无论如何,他现在已被拘留!”一位接近调查的消息人士告诉 TF1-LCI。由于知道自己在法国不受欢迎,Pavel Durov 通常前往阿联酋、前苏联国家、南美洲等地,极少在欧洲旅行,并避开了监控 Telegram 服务的国家。
ONAF(国家反欺诈办公室,直属于海关部门)的调查人员已通知 Pavel Durov 并将其拘留。预计他将在今晚被带到预审法官面前,并可能在周日因恐怖主义、毒品、共谋、诈骗、洗钱、包庇、儿童色情等一系列罪行被起诉。

from 新·世界观察日志


Dear Valued Customer,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to inform you of the next phase in our sunset plan of all services for KnowRoaming SIM Card/SIM Sticker users.

End-of-Life Announcement

Following our notification in January 2022, we ceased all new sales of our SIM Cards/Stickers and are moving forward with the next phase, which will discontinue all services for SIM Cards/Stickers.

Key Dates to Remember
September 1st: Last day to reload credit to your accounts. After this date, the ability to reload will be removed.
June 1st, 2025 (nine months later): All services for SIM Card/Sticker users will be unavailable and unsupported.

KnowRoaming eSIM Continues

Please note that this end-of-life announcement does not impact those using KnowRoaming eSIM. Customers with compatible devices can continue to purchase eSIMs from

Connect Anywhere, Anytime, for Less

Stay connected with ease while exploring the globe with KnowRoaming travel eSIMs, offering affordable data across more than 200 destinations. Ready to explore? Use discount code HELLOKRESIM at checkout and get 30% off your first KnowRoaming eSIM, valid until 30 September 2024.

Important Information Regarding Balances and Refunds
Balances from your SIM Card/SIM Sticker accounts cannot be transferred to purchase eSIMs. We encourage you to use your remaining balance before the service becomes unavailable.
Refunds are only eligible for reloads that have taken place within the last nine months.

We appreciate your understanding and understand that this may cause some inconvenience. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team.
Thank you for being a valued customer.

Best regards,

- The KnowRoaming Team

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