Ethiopian Medical Students Association

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This is the Official National Telegram Channel for EMSA- Ethiopia 🇪🇹

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We would love to officially welcome you to the Article Writing Competition 2021 organized by the Ethiopian Medical Students Association (EMSA) and Yetena Weg. This competition is open to all medical students and interns in Ethiopia (both in public and private universities). We have several topics that we have picked on various sepeciaties! Although it is not mandatory to write on these topics we highly recommend that you do!

The articles have to be written in Amharic and have a word limit of 500 words.

You can submit your articles until November 30! All articles need to be uploaded using the google form attached below!

Good Luck!

Only two days left for the opening of the article competition!

Let’s address some FAQs!
#1) In which language should the articles be submitted?
- Amharic!

#2) Who is eligible to participate?
- Any medical student in Ethiopia

#3) How long should the articles be?
- 500 word limit

#4) Can I write on any topic?
- Yes, but we highly recommend the topics we have prepared

#5) Do I have to submit my article by Nov. 1?
- No, November 1 is the day the competition officially begins! We will give you time to write and submit the article until November 30!

Our yearly Article Writing Competition 2021 is almost here!

📍Starts on November 1st!
📍Details are coming!
🗣 Here is a testimony from last year's winners


The Wait is Over💥💥💥

The Article Writing Competition organized by Yetena Weg and EMSA is back!

Who can participate⁉️
Any medical student 👨🏾‍⚕️👩🏽‍⚕️

When does it start⁉️
November 1, 2021🗓

▪️The topics for this year’s theme will be released soon!

Stay tuned!!!

Starting in 1 hour!!

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Aug 28, 5:00PM EAT ( 11 ሰአት በኢትዮጵያ )
Topic: Management of  COVID-19  Associated Venous Thromboembolism

📌 Webinar Registration

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ይህ የሚሊኒየም ኮቪድ ህክምና ማእከል ኮሚውኒኬሽን ቢሮ የቴሊግራም ቻናል ነው። ይህ ቻናል የሚያገለግለውም ለማህበረሰቡ ሲሆን በቻናሉ ላይ ለአስታማሚዎች የሚያገለግሉ መረጃዎች፣ ስለ ወረርሽኙ እና ማእከሉ ነባራዊ ሁኔታ እንዲሁም ስለኮቪድ ክትባት እና ተያያዥ ጉዳዮች የጤና ትምህርት የሚቀርብ ይሆናል። | This is the Telegram Channel created by the MCCC Communications Office for the benefit of the general public. The channel will feature information about patient care, the status of the pandemic, vaccines and related issues.

📌 Yetena Weg Monthly Virtual CME in collaboration with Ethiopian Medical Association and Ethiopian Medical Students Association

To Health Care Professionals

🗓 July 24th ,Saturday
🕖10 AM USA/Canada time or 5PM Eastern African Time

📕 Introduction to Palliative Care Medicine

By Dr.Rediet Gebeyehu @redietchosen

Register here

We Have three distinguished guests from Media and Journalism to give us training on " Communicating Health Issues with An Impact "

July 17th 5:00 PM Eastern African time

as part of our collaboration with you we would like to invite EMSA members to register and attend this webinar

Registration Link here

Topics for discussion:

1. How can we communicate medical Issues in a simple, clear language? "

2. Explore and Understand Social Media, Understanding how major Social Media's work, Content strategy, risks, and mitigation

3. Writing/Blogging
What is Blog/Blogging
Techniques of writing/Blogging
Variables in writing/blogging

Great news 🤩🤩🤩

With agreement with Amboss, we are going to get free access to around 500 medical students and junior doctors in Ethiopia.

Fill the following survey to get a 6 month free access 😁

Here is the link

Mentorship Application!

For students who are looking for mentors (career, international exams like USMLE...), the Mentorship team at Yetenaweg can help you connect with one Mentor ( 1 mentor for 3 to 5 students) who will meet with them few times month either email/phone/virtual video meet to guide them) in their area of interest!

FIll in the form below to sign up for the mentorship

We hope you enjoyed today’s webinar! We will be launching the SCOME Online Library today where you can get USMLE resources, updated journals, researches and more!

Please Register here to get access to curated USMLE study resources
We will give you a Google drive access to videos , books and Question banks

Starting now!

📍For Ethiopian Physicians and Medical Students

📍 Are you planning to take the USMLE exam?

🗓 Saturday May 22 (Today!!)
5pm (11 saat local time)

Register here

📍For Ethiopian Physicians and Medical Students

📍 Are you planning to take the USMLE exam?

As part of our Mentorship program with @emaethiopia we have prepared a webinar for you on how to prepare for the USMLE

Dr.Rediet Gebeyehu- Internist and Hospice and Palliative care fellow

Dr.Melaku Tesfaye MD - Board Certfiied Internist

1. Dr.Hundaol Shamsan Yadeta, MD PGY1 Internal Medicine, PGY1, Howard University Hospital

2. Dr.Lidiya Biltibo - Matched into Transitional year program at Detroit Medical center, Michigan and Diagnostic Radiology Program at University of Texas Medical Branches, Texas

3. Dr.Bereket Tessema Final Year Chief resident in Internal Medicine at Wellstar Atlanta Medical center

4. Dr.Abdi Deressa Matched into the internal Medicine program

5. Dr.Bezawit Alemu Bezabih MD, Project manager, Health workforce improvement Program, Ethiopian Medical Association

Register here

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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