Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Norway - an organisational disaster Part 3
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/598
Staffing: The police unions have long claimed that the number of operational police officers has been reduced in recent years. The Norwegian Police Federation believes that the lack of visible police has become a major problem.
Båtberedskap: Bare 13 av 27 politibåter landet rundt, er operative.
Fredag 22. juli tok det over en time før det ble sendt ut riksalarm, og det tok to timer og 40 minutter før Kripos beordret grensene stengt.
Boat readiness: Only 13 out of 27 police boats around the country are operational.
On Friday 22 July, it took over an hour before the national alert was sent out, and it took two hours and 40 minutes before Kripos ordered the borders closed.
Sivilforsvaret har lenge vært prioritert av justissektoren, men fortsatt mangler styrken kjøretøy, uniformer, tepper og telt.- Bilparken består av mange veteranbiler, som de ansatte nekter å bruke.- I 2009 avslo Justisdepartementet å finansiere NARRE, databasen med oversikt over alle tilgjengelige redningsressurser. De 12 millionene prosjektet kostet skulle i stedet gå til Sivilforsvaret.
Civil defense has long been a priority for the justice sector, but the force still lacks vehicles, uniforms, blankets and tents. - The car park consists of many vintage cars, which the employees refuse to use. - In 2009, the Ministry of Justice refused to fund NARRE, the database with an overview of all available rescue resources . The 12 million the project cost was instead to go to the Civil Defense.
Et felles Nødnett for alle redningsetatene skulle være på plass i 2007. Nå, fire år etter, er systemet bare innført rundt Oslofjorden.
A joint emergency network for all rescue agencies was supposed to be in place in 2007. Now, four years later, the system has only been introduced around the Oslofjord.
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/598
Staffing: The police unions have long claimed that the number of operational police officers has been reduced in recent years. The Norwegian Police Federation believes that the lack of visible police has become a major problem.
Båtberedskap: Bare 13 av 27 politibåter landet rundt, er operative.
Fredag 22. juli tok det over en time før det ble sendt ut riksalarm, og det tok to timer og 40 minutter før Kripos beordret grensene stengt.
Boat readiness: Only 13 out of 27 police boats around the country are operational.
On Friday 22 July, it took over an hour before the national alert was sent out, and it took two hours and 40 minutes before Kripos ordered the borders closed.
Sivilforsvaret har lenge vært prioritert av justissektoren, men fortsatt mangler styrken kjøretøy, uniformer, tepper og telt.- Bilparken består av mange veteranbiler, som de ansatte nekter å bruke.- I 2009 avslo Justisdepartementet å finansiere NARRE, databasen med oversikt over alle tilgjengelige redningsressurser. De 12 millionene prosjektet kostet skulle i stedet gå til Sivilforsvaret.
Civil defense has long been a priority for the justice sector, but the force still lacks vehicles, uniforms, blankets and tents. - The car park consists of many vintage cars, which the employees refuse to use. - In 2009, the Ministry of Justice refused to fund NARRE, the database with an overview of all available rescue resources . The 12 million the project cost was instead to go to the Civil Defense.
Et felles Nødnett for alle redningsetatene skulle være på plass i 2007. Nå, fire år etter, er systemet bare innført rundt Oslofjorden.
A joint emergency network for all rescue agencies was supposed to be in place in 2007. Now, four years later, the system has only been introduced around the Oslofjord.