Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
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Hitler gesture is an hate against 🇮🇱? Part 2
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/666
I forkant av Breiviks ankomst i rettssalen, sa Verøy at dersom Breivik har lært, så ville han ikke gjøre nazihilsen. Dette fordi det vil tale direkte imot hans ønske om å prøveløslates.
Ahead of Breivik's arrival in the courtroom, Verøy said that if Breivik had learned, he would not do the Nazi salute. This is because it will speak directly against his wish to be paroled https://perma.cc/9WTQ-Y6H3
Breivik: "I believe Europe should strive for: A cultural conservative approach where monoculturalism, moral, the nuclear family, a free market, support for Israel and our Christian cousins of the east, law and order and Christendom itself must be central aspects (unlike now) ..."
I support the continued consolidation of non-Muslim Europe and an unconditional support to all Christian countries and societies (Israel included), in addition to continuing our good relationships with all Hindu and Buddhist countries.
Forut for terrorhandlingene 22. juli 2011 utviste Breivik en eksepsjonell evne til å handle og opptre fordekt. Selv ikke hans egen mor merket noen endring i ham, selv bare dager før han begikk «den verste volds- og terrorhandling i norsk kriminalhistorie», poengterte regjeringsadvokaten.
Prior to the terrorist acts on 22 July 2011, Breivik displayed an exceptional ability to act and act undercover. Not even his own mother noticed any change in him, even just days before he committed "the worst act of violence and terrorism in Norwegian criminal history", pointed out the government attorney https://perma.cc/4V7F-7P8D
It is mainly letters with far-right content to fellow opinion-leaders Anders Behring Breivik did not know before 22 July 2011 that are stopped by the prison
Dommer Øystein Hermansen ba Breivik om å ikke gjenta nazihilsenen.
Judge Øystein Hermansen asked Breivik not to repeat the Nazi salute.
Means the answer is BULLSHIT! showed with Breivik story
Hitler gesture is an hate against 🇮🇱? Part 2
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/666
I forkant av Breiviks ankomst i rettssalen, sa Verøy at dersom Breivik har lært, så ville han ikke gjøre nazihilsen. Dette fordi det vil tale direkte imot hans ønske om å prøveløslates.
Ahead of Breivik's arrival in the courtroom, Verøy said that if Breivik had learned, he would not do the Nazi salute. This is because it will speak directly against his wish to be paroled https://perma.cc/9WTQ-Y6H3
Breivik: "I believe Europe should strive for: A cultural conservative approach where monoculturalism, moral, the nuclear family, a free market, support for Israel and our Christian cousins of the east, law and order and Christendom itself must be central aspects (unlike now) ..."
I support the continued consolidation of non-Muslim Europe and an unconditional support to all Christian countries and societies (Israel included), in addition to continuing our good relationships with all Hindu and Buddhist countries.
Forut for terrorhandlingene 22. juli 2011 utviste Breivik en eksepsjonell evne til å handle og opptre fordekt. Selv ikke hans egen mor merket noen endring i ham, selv bare dager før han begikk «den verste volds- og terrorhandling i norsk kriminalhistorie», poengterte regjeringsadvokaten.
Prior to the terrorist acts on 22 July 2011, Breivik displayed an exceptional ability to act and act undercover. Not even his own mother noticed any change in him, even just days before he committed "the worst act of violence and terrorism in Norwegian criminal history", pointed out the government attorney https://perma.cc/4V7F-7P8D
It is mainly letters with far-right content to fellow opinion-leaders Anders Behring Breivik did not know before 22 July 2011 that are stopped by the prison
Dommer Øystein Hermansen ba Breivik om å ikke gjenta nazihilsenen.
Judge Øystein Hermansen asked Breivik not to repeat the Nazi salute.
Means the answer is BULLSHIT! showed with Breivik story