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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Activism, Athletics, Identity dan repost
dont let anything get in the way of training

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Escaping Screen Slavery
Millions of people spend hours and hours online for useless attention from random people online. This video will discuss on this problem we see in today's society
Maker of the video

Solar Imperium HQ dan repost
Be the man you would want a statue built of, and legends told of.

Think of what you want people to say about you at your funeral, and live a life that will make it true.

You aren’t going to live forever, so start making the short time you have count.

The future belongs to you, but only if you make it happen.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, But the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐇 𝐂𝐕𝐋𝐓 dan repost
There was a time when the average American man was something special. Always ready for a challenge, never one to take the easy way out.

Now the average American man is nothing more but a vapid consumer, addicted to sugar, antidepressants, and hard-core porn.

Sadly this bleeds into our gyms and has created an entire subculture of whiney gym rats that will never progess beyond doing light cardio 4 times a week. So many excuses not to lift, mainly boiling down to its too hard.

This is why it's so important to not take shortcuts, or try and take the easy way out. Any moment of weakness brings you down to their level. Stay strong Kings.

WesternMan - The Western Rebirth dan repost
23 Tough Questions for the GloboLeftoids:

1. What is the difference between Nation and Country?

2. If division is bad, why is diversity good?

3. Can you have socialism without national unity?

4. How will the European People be treated when they are the minority in Europe?

5. How can evolution be true if equality exists and everybody is the same?

6. Is there any measurable evidence in physical reality for equality of any kind?

7. Is the theory of evolution based on everyone being equal and the same, or on difference & inequality & the hierarchy of the fittest?

8. If half the people are below average intelligence, how can democracy produce anything other than mediocrity? What can we do to limit the impact of this?

9. If diseased, deformed, below average IQ people outbreed healthy, well-formed, intelligent people for a few hundred or thousand years, what will the future look like?

10. Is [Forced Diversity + Forced Equality + Democracy] the recipe for sustainable long term peace & stability, or unsustainable decline, conflict & disintegration?

11. Will mass immigration into western countries and communities bring peace & stability or conflict & dis-integration?

12. Which is more important for a healthy society: racial and ethnic diversity, or high social trust?

13. Which is more important for a country: sustainable self-sufficiency or globalism?

14. Do above average individuals and below average individuals exist, or does equality exist?

15. Is it reasonable or evil for a woman to want her great-granddaughters to look and think like her?

16. Is massive immigration into western countries from non-Western countries sustainable or unsustainable?

17. There are only 5 million Irish in Ireland -- but 1.2 billion Africans in Africa -- why then are the Africans who're moving to Ireland called "minorities"?

18. There are 10 million Swedish People in Sweden; if 10 million non-Swedes move to Sweden, what will we call it then?

19. If a diversity of tribes in the same geographic space is a strength, why does it require so much time, energy, money, and force, to implement and manage?

20. Can your country have both open borders and a welfare state, or can you only pick one?

21. Is mass immigration having a negative impact on the unity and cohesion of your nation?

22. What percentage of Latvia's population should be of the Latvian ethnic group?

23. What is the difference between being nice and being kind, and which is more important?


Until the globalist left can engage with and answer these questions with honesty, they must admit to themselves that there are glaring structural problems with their blind faith worldview.

You cannot get to where you want to go until you know where you are. All progress therefore depends on precise and honest assessment of the present state of reality. Reality Denial will get us nowhere toward a sustainable society. Their whole worldview depends upon censorship (online and offline) and reality denial, because their salespitch of Progress to Utopia depends entirely upon never asking whether it is even possible.

If we could make the leftists we know and love Humble and Curious instead of Arrogant and Ignorant with regards to their political views, we will have done a huge service for not only national unity and common sense, but for mental health and the limiting of human anguish. Leftists are tortured souls.

LEFTISTS: We know you are faking it. It is obvious to everyone. We are smarter than you and you know it. This is why you will not answer our questions. We are searching for the truth, and we are allied to the truth. Ours is the worldview of Truth. Prove us wrong and we will change our minds. If you cannot prove us wrong, well, when you have accepted this fact and wish to leave behind the world of Reality Denial, we will welcome you into reality with open arms - don't believe the lies the Professional Reality Denialists sell you. If neither you nor they can answer the questions, you have a Big Problem on your hands.


Great list I found

Never forget, before you improve your nation, you must improve yourself. "Study, Lift, Improve.” This is the saying that you
should live by.

No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them
makes us feel alive. YOU need to be change that you want to see in the world. If you've already watched/read some of
the things listed in the channel, you already know that there is something deeply wrong with the world today. Don't be consumed
by demoralization, there is hope. YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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