Let we continue the topic about the bullshit of GDP with the example of Italy.
You can immediately see that GDP is huge different inside a country.
So already talking about GDP of a country is just bullshit! if in one region is 2x the other one ...
GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices https://perma.cc/SC7Q-2KRH
Real GDP per capita https://perma.cc/8MUW-R6CK
They show a GDP of 28220€
while International Monetary Fund 36810$ and Statistica 32390€ https://perma.cc/S9BB-ETKZ ... (again about difference between sources)
In 2022 GDP at current prices grew by 6.8% (to 1,946,479 million euro) compared with the previous year https://perma.cc/5U4E-TUGF
Pil pro capite misurato in PPS: Nel 2021, si va dai 18.638 euro della Bulgaria agli 87.056 euro del Lussemburgo; con 30.855 euro, l’Italia si colloca leggermente al di sotto della media Ue (32.428 euro) https://perma.cc/UF3E-9WSE
Economia e Finanza https://perma.cc/GKC4-JE6E
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Italy from 2009 to 2020 https://perma.cc/7YM6-ZRDX
PIL pro capite, consumi pro capite e indici dei livelli dei prezzi https://perma.cc/B9KJ-QXR7
Gli andamenti di lungo periodo dell’economia italiana https://perma.cc/K65J-9CYD
Il PIL italiano https://perma.cc/5SZF-GV56
Annual national accounts - evolution of the income components of GDP https://perma.cc/3A7R-QWT6
List of European countries by average wage https://perma.cc/U2MW-WV3S
Economic forecast for Italy https://perma.cc/UFJ2-Z3US
The GDP per capita in Italy is pretty high (especially total), compared to other countries BUT THE WAGE IS STILL LESS THAN OTHER COUNTRIES! Obviously more GDP = more possibility that the ø could be higher, but this is not a synonym!
So again GDP is not synonym of being rich!!! but more "some people could maybe be rich in such country"
Go to picture 1 https://t.me/FinanceFactsTelegram/576
More about Italy: scroll down from
You can immediately see that GDP is huge different inside a country.
So already talking about GDP of a country is just bullshit! if in one region is 2x the other one ...
GDP per capita, consumption per capita and price level indices https://perma.cc/SC7Q-2KRH
Real GDP per capita https://perma.cc/8MUW-R6CK
They show a GDP of 28220€
while International Monetary Fund 36810$ and Statistica 32390€ https://perma.cc/S9BB-ETKZ ... (again about difference between sources)
In 2022 GDP at current prices grew by 6.8% (to 1,946,479 million euro) compared with the previous year https://perma.cc/5U4E-TUGF
Pil pro capite misurato in PPS: Nel 2021, si va dai 18.638 euro della Bulgaria agli 87.056 euro del Lussemburgo; con 30.855 euro, l’Italia si colloca leggermente al di sotto della media Ue (32.428 euro) https://perma.cc/UF3E-9WSE
Economia e Finanza https://perma.cc/GKC4-JE6E
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Italy from 2009 to 2020 https://perma.cc/7YM6-ZRDX
PIL pro capite, consumi pro capite e indici dei livelli dei prezzi https://perma.cc/B9KJ-QXR7
Gli andamenti di lungo periodo dell’economia italiana https://perma.cc/K65J-9CYD
Il PIL italiano https://perma.cc/5SZF-GV56
Annual national accounts - evolution of the income components of GDP https://perma.cc/3A7R-QWT6
List of European countries by average wage https://perma.cc/U2MW-WV3S
Economic forecast for Italy https://perma.cc/UFJ2-Z3US
The GDP per capita in Italy is pretty high (especially total), compared to other countries BUT THE WAGE IS STILL LESS THAN OTHER COUNTRIES! Obviously more GDP = more possibility that the ø could be higher, but this is not a synonym!
So again GDP is not synonym of being rich!!! but more "some people could maybe be rich in such country"
Go to picture 1 https://t.me/FinanceFactsTelegram/576
More about Italy: scroll down from