GDG Hong Kong

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Toifa: ko‘rsatilmagan

The official GDG Hong Kong on Telegram.

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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想深入研究 Google Cloud Platform,但唔肯定應該由邊度開始?喺 3 月 24 日至 26 日加入我們一齊在 #GoogleCloudOnBoard #OnAir 上學習。

✅ 核心基礎架構
✅ 大數據和機器學習
✅ 應用程式開發


因應近日武漢肺炎在本港爆發,基於各位健康及安全考慮,GDG Hong Kong將取消2月內的所有活動。

Due to the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (Wuhan) outbreak in Hong Kong, all GDG Hong Kong activities in February 2020 are suspended.
Protecting participants’ health is our first priority.


廣東話Assistant Night尋日開始報名半日就sold out!多謝支持!!
現加少量位坐迫D,今日6pm Eventbrite開始報名。已報名的下星期一準時7pm銅鑼灣見!記得帶notebook電腦,完成codelab有機會得到AoG Tee一件😍

活動預告! 20/1(Mon)7pm在Google Office有GDG Assistant Night活動!重點體驗廣東話Assistant, 同埋有中級程度Codelab教寫廣東話Action&連接第三方API &推送通知。名額有限。聽朝14/1 10am開始Eventbrite報名!

不要錯過由 @gdgcloudhk GDG Cloud Hong Kong 舉辦的 *Flutter Interact: Viewing Parties*
時間地點: 16 Dec-2019 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM @ Google HK Office

*** 此活動主要以廣東話/粵語進行 ***
*** All sessions are in CANTONESE (zh-yue-Hant-HK)***


Organizer: GDG Cloud Hong Kong
Co-organizer: GDG Hong Kong
Venue Support: Google Hong Kong

#FlutterInteract #Flutter
#GDGCloudHK #GDGCloud

== GDG Devfest Hong Kong 2019 CANCELLED ==

Due to the current condition of Hong Kong, we are sorry to announce that our GDG DevFest Hong Kong 2019 has been canceled.

We have not taken this decision lightly, and have kept hope until last week that the situation would improve (enough) so we could still hold a great event. Our participants and speakers Safety is always our top priority, therefore, we unfortunately have to make this tough decision.

We hope we will see you soon.

GDG Devfest HK Organizers' Team

本年度 GDG DevFest 將於11月23日於香港城市大學舉行。今年我們將兵分四路,帶來超過20個環節,涵蓋Cloud Technologies,Machine Learning,Mobile及Web等不同範疇。

GDG DevFest, our annual developer conference for the developer community, will be held on 23-Nov in City University of Hong Kong. This year, we have one more track compare with last year. We have 4 tracks and over 16 sessions covering areas of Cloud Technologies, Machine Learning, Mobile, Web, and more.

#devfest #gdg #GoogleDeveloper
#devfesthk #gdghk #google
#CityUCS #CityU

登記 Register:

Venue Sponsor:
** Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong

There is a great public seminar about Deep Learning. Don't miss it!!!

Coherent Gradients: An Approach to Understanding Generalization in Gradient Descent-Based Optimization

By Dr. Sat Chatterjee, Senior Staff Engineering Manager,
Google AI

Date : 18 Oct 2019 (Friday)
Time : 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Venue : G6302, Yeung AC (AC1), CityU

***Walk-ins are welcome***


Hosted by Department of Electrical Engineering, CityU & IEEE HK Section CAS/COM Chapter

#CityUEE #Googler #AI #DeepLearning

香港ML Study Jam上線啦!
免費Qwiklabs Course~!
完成4個或以上Courses,會有Tee送~ (數量有限)

The ML Study Jam Hong Kong is opened for apply!

#HongKong #MLStudyJam #StudyJam #ML #MachineLearning #Google

繼續Kotlin/Everywhere系列! 上次codelab活動Java轉Kotlin應該令大家初步體驗到Kotlin的精簡及潛力。 今次8月31日下午的A Day of Kotlin會帶大家再深入一點又廣闊一點地學習Kotlin的技巧及應用!我們特意邀請了台北亞太智能機器(APMIC)的宋豐价(Dave Sung)來分享使用Kotlin Coroutines在Android App處理API的心得,還有活躍於Developer Coummunities的OurSky分享Kotlin實現Microservices的實戰經驗! 聽完Talk隨即有Codelab即場練手,學用Kotlin寫native mobile app! 今次仲有限量Kotlin/Everywher紀念品,先到先得!

重新成立的 Google Cloud 社群 - GDG Cloud Hong Kong
@gdgcloudhk Telegram 群組啟動了~~
聽講8月19日仲有第1次的活動, 記得要留意@gdgcloudhk

We are sorry to inform you that "A Hands-on Introduction to TensorFlow 2.0 Beta" has been CANCELLED, due to the unexpected change of speaker's itinerary. We will definitely try our best to organize meet-ups on this theme in the near future for all TensorFlow enthusiasts!

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to greeting you in our next GDG meet-up.

This is our official GDG Hong Kong news channel on Telegram.
Please subscribe the channel, get the latest events information.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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