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MrPopper - Twitch Stream | Gnar Solo Queue | Coach

MrPopper - Twitch
MrPopper - Twitch Stream | Gnar Solo Queue | Coach

Update, I turned the pillow into a full Gnar doll instead :)


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
for some reason when people 2v1 top lane this stuff always happens


double gnar double kills

found this low elo gnar play I clipped (bronze 1), figured id post it here, also a random satisfying double kill I got a minute later in the same game



Inting to win

Been playing Gnar on an off for awhile his always has a place in my pool, he was the first champion I got my ranked Penta kill on.

From my journey in silver at season 4 to diamond in season 6 I noticed I don’t win lane often and generally end up inting the fuck out of my lane.

It comes from two things I am generally not good at playing safe as I go hyper aggressive in lane and get caught mispositioning or I’m mega Gnar and I have no idea if I am in the position to win trades.

Like how do you guys even know if you win trades as mega Gnar in certain match ups I mean everything can make a difference from level leads to item leads even small such as one long sword lead.

I feel like it’s a mix of uncertainty and anxiety as I just don’t know my raw damage output and tankiness during the laning phase on mega Gnar.

The only reason I held a positive win rate on Gnar was my ability to engage and peel in team fights; I would meme myself as Gnar for me was the pick I would int lane but it wouldn’t matter as long as I can land combos well in team fights.

My favourite part of Gnar is the E hop into the transformation just so cool and satisfying.

AP Gnar is mega troll but also legit lmao


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Make sure you w at the right time vs that abomination of a champion Tahm Kench


I am streaming on twitch

come watch some gold 1 ranked gnar gameplay :)



What is the best way to solo kill someone in lane?

I mean, of course gnar can kill some champs easily with mega, but what is the god like build to solo kill or maybe 1v2 some guys like riven and Jax do?

I've tested some builds but I can't get a good answer, I'd bet on the Tank build or maybe the normal ones idk. I am not interested in “utilities” build I might say. I just want to know more about the champ and see if I can kill some guys more frequently, like both Sylas or Yone do ya know

I love the feeling of Laning as gnar cuz I feel like I'm playing against some boss of dark souls but, I would like to turn thing up u know? even being Mini.


A crochet Gnar pillow as a gift for a friend :)

LIVE! - Grinding Master - Gnar Solo Queue - Improve - Thing in the Ice


thingintheice_ - Twitch
wtf gnar get that p[eppa off there

A gift from r/ApheliosMains now Alune is yours

Why is gnar such an underrated Champ? Every time I check a tier list he’s usually put as b or c tier, but the more I play him the more I realize that his tier is bullshit. Why do people always underestimate him?


Good Enough for some Art RP?

I'm having trouble playing against some builds.

I've been playing gnar for 5 months and i think hes my second favorite champion so far. The one problem i noticed however was how much i loose to people who build lifesteal or omnivamp.

Normally i like to poke a lot but i know when to play safer against champions with dashes. The problem is how effective lifesteal is for some of these champions.

When my laner is known for lifesteal builds i often build bramble for that. I build plated steel boots if they are mostly auto attack dps. If they have any cc that im worried i can't dodge then i go mercs. For magic damage with healing i go for chempunk chainsword first because its damage is nice and i can constantly inflict grevious wounds with my pokes.

Every magic damage user still outrades me, either with a burst or sticking due to their dashes. Mord is very easy to deal with for me since his E is easy to bait and thats all i really watch out for apart from buying quicksilver to negate his R.

How do you fight ap sustain champions? Greivious just doesn't feel good and they end up getting powerful enough that they can shred you anyway even with tons of health. Going for damage and trying to outdamage them seems like the only way you can win, and if they are smart they will wait until they get a minion wave to heal back up. I feel completely usless in these matchups, anything i should do differently buildwise?

EDIT: I try to make the lane a farm lane if i can when the matchup is pretty bad. I tend to do really well those games because my roaming is very strong and i get tons of kills going to other lanes.


LIVE! - Grinding Account to Master - Gnar Solo Queue - Improve - Thing in the Ice

thingintheice_ - Twitch
wtf gnar get that p[eppa off there

QoL change for Super Galaxy Gnar

Hi everyone

I was looking at Super Galaxy Gnar (just got it) and realized that when he's enraged, he doesn´t change visually; it would be cool if he lowered his glasses (like Astro Gnar lowers his helmet or Dino Gnar puts his Dino hoodie)

idk what you guys think


New Gnar player

I've tried this champ a couple days ago, and dude it's so fuckin fun, but I don't understand this champ so much. His runes/builds etc...
Can someone help me with that?


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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