Frea’s Hearth

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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Traditional Europe dan repost
“Modernity is the real war on women.”

Traditional Europe dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
“A maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which amaypole dance often takes place. The festivals may occur on May Day (May 1st) or Pentecost (Whitsun), although in some countries it is instead erected at Midsummer.”
Stone Ships and Viking Goddess Cult
In Sweden, while Uppland boat burials are all for men, in Tuna, Västmanland the boat burials contain women. The only runestone dedicated to a woman, the Oden...

“They were trained in Spartan severity, taught to do without cosmetics, to dress in the simplest manner, to display no individual vanity, to sleep on hard beds, and to forgo all culinary delicacies; the ideal image was that of those broad-hipped figures, unencumbered by corsets, one of radiant blondeness, crowned by hair arranged in a bun or braided into a coronet of plaits”.

On the German League of Girls

The Veiled Vestal Virgin

by Raffaelle Monti

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