
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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由鄭文傑團隊The Umbrella Union及BNO平權團體Britons in Hong Kong 合辦既【英國港僑協會】於今日正式上線!本協會為英國正式註冊公司,由於英國政府最近放寬香港BNO同家屬移居英國嘅權利,我地預計未來會有大量既香港人會選擇移居到英國,故此成立協會支援海外港人。

We are pleased to launch Hongkongers in Britain, a collaborative project by Britons in Hong Kong and The Umbrella Union, headed by Simon Cheng. Anticipating a surge of Hongkongers moving to the UK due to the extended rights to BN(O) holders, we have decided to establish the organisation to aid and empower Hongkongers overseas.


We firmly hold that the spirit of Hong Kong goes beyond its geographical limits, such that Hongkongers overseas could recreate this beloved home of ours, embodying the very same spirit. We shall preserve, develop, and promote the culture of Hong Kong, to leave behind this line of tradition, history, and collective identity. The establishment of this organisation facilitates newcomers to the UK and strengthens the existing network of Hongkongers in the UK. As a nurturing ground, the organisation will dedicate itself to assist current or prospective Hongkongers in Britain, thereby promoting the solidarity of Hongkongers and breaking down the initial barriers to assimilation. We shall also hope that Hongkongers in Britain will be a milestone and that communities of Hongkongers should sprout up across the world; each community with Hongkongers supporting and empowering each other, such that we could yet bathe in the soothing shadows of the Lion Rock, transcending the physical boundaries.


Hong Kong is not a place; it is the people.

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/HongkongersUK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HongkongersUK
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/HongkongersUK
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/hongkongers-in-britain/
Website: http://www.hongkongers.org.uk/

11 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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