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A Truly Pro-white Policy Perspective
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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An Industrial Plan for America

Americans have been aware for decades that their nation is in the midst of serious industrial decline. This decline, represented by the loss of some 7.5 million jobs between 1980 and 2017, has affected Americans, and particularly men, more than any other group.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that for every 10 percentage point drop in regional manufacturing share there is an accompanying 3.7% drop in male employment.

Policymakers must consider the following options if they seek to generate prosperity for Americans:

1. Local content requirements

The surest way to ensure that products purchased by Americans are produced by Americans is to ensure that those products have their component parts sourced in the United States.

American policymakers must institute a 51% local content requirement for any goods which are related to: transportation, technology, energy (production & transmission), national security, food production, and other forms of critical infrastructure.

2. Provide financing for new firms

A 2014 study by MIT found that while venture capital is willing, even eager, to fund the initial stages of development those same VC firms are near universally unwilling to fund the scale-up of manufacturing capacity. This results in firms founded by innovative young Americans to look abroad to scale their manufacturing processes.

3 ...

Read the full piece, and the rest of the policy prescriptions here on our Substack:

77% of Belgians no longer feel at home in their own nation. A majority believe the descendants of immigrants will never be real Belgians.

Mass immigration and demographic change have turned Belgium into the drug capital of Europe.

Moroccan mafia, Albanian gangs, and Turkish drug factions war in the streets.

Read more about the Great Replacement in Belgium.

"Immigrants, Crime, And The Democrats"

Immigrant crime is in the news, because Trump is talking about it—although if you read the Washington Post, the New York Times, and other MSM outlets, what you see is “Immigrant Crime Denial”.

The reality is that illegal immigration is up, and so is “legal” immigration from high-crime areas south of the border and the Caribbean, from both work visas and more-or-less bogus refugees.

Read more about the wave in immigrant related crime and its denial by the elite here on our Substack:

Nature Versus Nurture (Versus Immigration)

Trump is probably right about a genetic link to crime—and what it means for immigration policy

In his inaugural piece a former border patrol agent delves into the hereditability and culture passing on of criminality.

From the Kray Twins of south London to the family members of the cartels of Mexico, the American state is wantonly ignoring the mass importation of generational criminals and their families.

We are importing people from countries with high crime rates and the liberals are hoping that the Magic Dirt of the United States will keep them from becoming criminals here.

Read the full piece here on our Subtack

A Nationalist Energy Policy

Energy independence requires real dedication to nationalist principles

Wind and solar have markedly lower energy capacities than traditional sources

Nuclear energy has been sidelined

And a global oil market predates upon the Western world

Energy independence requires real dedication to nationalist principles.

Contracts which secure domestic prices, increases in exploration and consumption, investment in new technologies, and the development of a coherent energy strategy are all required to avoid disaster.

Read more in our full piece here on Substack:

"The Aftermath of Hurricane Helene: Americans Left Behind"

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, many communities across the United States faced flooding, loss of power, a lack of food and water, and of course limited monetary and logistical support in order to see that Americans received the aid they so desperately need.

FEMA does not have the money to rebuild every home, compensate everyone for Hurricane related costs, or cover the restoration of every road and bridge being destroyed.

However; FEMA has ample resources that it dispenses to immigrants who arrive to this country instead of Americans.

The agency spends more than $800 million each year on shelter programs for recent immigrant arrivals, including and especially for illegal immigrants, but can only be bothered to help out with $750 to individual Americans effected by Hurricane Helene.

The United Nations is handing out hundreds of millions of dollars in pre-paid debit cards to immigrants who are in transit to the United States, but we could not find a single United Nations page that said the sprawling international bureaucracy was spending a single dime to assist American flood and Hurricane victims.

Read more about the lacking political response to Hurricane Helene here on our Substack:

"In New Zealand, The Great Replacement Is Proceeding Apace"

Data recently released by the Statistics department shows that the proportion of New Zealanders who are of European extraction dropped to 55.9% of the population at the time of the 2023 Census.

At current rates of demographic change, “New Zealand Europeans” are in danger of becoming a minority in the not so distant future.

New Zealand now has a population of just over 5.3 million people, and the state are experiencing gross migrant inflows of over 200,000 people year on year. This equates to around 4% of the nation's population arriving every year.

Given how close the country is to this historic turning point, and given the problems these issues are causing in the country, one wonders how long we can continue without public debate about immigration and demographic change.

Read William McGimpsey's full assessment of New Zealand's demographic situation here on our Substack:

"Land Use, Refuse, and Demographic Change"

Nations must preserve their people to preserve their environments

Since 1990 the United States has seen its 'diverse' population increase by 74 million individuals, while the historic (White) American populace has increased by just nine million people.

Over the same time period some 50 million acres of farmland have been paved over for housing expansions and urban development.

The recent immigrants and their descendants have been steadily moving into sprawling suburbs, destroying farmlands and age-old American communities in the process.

National Parks, waterways, and forested areas are being rapidly destroyed by this expansion.

Rubbish and refuse production has also increased, by 84.1 million tons in 30 years, recent immigrants and their descendants are responsible for 88% of this new trash generation.

Find out much more how rapidly increasingly 'diverse; populations are destroying and dirtying America's environment:

The Canadian state has announced plans to launch a pathway to citizenship for undocumented (illegal) immigrants in the country.

Some 600,000 people, including overstayers, illegal immigrants, and former students or workers, will be given Canadian citizenship under the new plan.

The Canadian state is already pursuing policies to increase the level of immigration to the country to 500,000 people per year by 2025.

The demographic transformation of Canada is likely the most rapidly occuring of any Western country, and Canadians must act.

40% of Canadians already believe there are too many diverse populations in Canada, while 37% of Canadians believe that the process of the Great Replacement is a deliberate political process.

You can learn more about Canada's policy options by visiting our Substack.

Infographics and the States 2.0!

We have put together another series of infographics, this time with a focus on the American states and their demographic transformation since the 1960s.

View them all here on our Substack:

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The deadliest hurricane since Katrina (2005) has hit the United States.

Hundreds of people are missing. 780,000 people in the trail of destruction are still without power.

And instead of advocating for his constituents South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is worried about a conflict thousands of miles and a world away American shores.

Americans of all backgrounds, dispositions, and income are struggling to recover from a hurricane which carried away homes and has left people stranded on mountain sides.

Yet the American political class displays nothing but the utmost contempt for its own populace.

No Wealth and No Identity: Britain’s Struggle in the 21st Century

I'm our latest piece British contributor J.M. Bright explores Britain's search for identity in the post-colonial and post-Brexit eras.

As a deindustrializated, low agricultural output, and mainly financialized economy Britons have begun to see declines in their standards of living.

While the political class is dogmatically dedicated to mass migration. Migration which has turned Britain into a complex and failing multicultural society.

The British search for identity is far from over.

Read the full piece here on our Substack:

White Papers dan repost
More than 40% of Hispanics regularly visit their ethnic homelands.

Only 14% of Hispanics in the US identify as American.

Mass immigration is a detriment. Integration is a fable. The American nation is being buried in a ceaseless wave of demographic change.

Learn more about the only true solution: Repatriation, here on our Substack.

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"Haitians (And Other Immigrants) And The Slavery They're Still Committing In America"

In his latest piece James Fulford highlights how many immigrant groups have returned slavery and forced servitude to the United States.

Haitians holding Haitians, Filipinos holding Filipinos, and Indians holding lower caste Indians. Many recent immigrants, including business owners and 'high-value' talent, hold others in chains.

When reports of this kind of slavery occurring in the US reach the papers, it’s generally only the victim who is referred to as an immigrant.

The Post Millennial headline Oregon mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Haitians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home: DOJ could just as easily have read Haitian mom, daughter indicted for trafficking Oregonians in 'indentured servitude' at adult care home.

Read more about the return of slavery and forced labor to the United States here on our Substack:

White Papers dan repost
A Reuters/Ipsos poll has found that 80% of Americans fear the country is sliding into chaos.

And so it is.

Americans have been unable to discuss the underlying issues which are tearing the country apart - namely immigration, race relations, and demographic change.

Large cross sections of Americans feel Whites are under threat by demographic change.

While many People of Color are unhappy in the country and would relocate if given the support to do so.

The United States will continue to slide into chaos and dysfunction until the conversations about demographics and identity take place in a coherent setting.

Until such a time the mainstream media, elite, and political class will continue to manipulate and or avoid the topic.

Find us on Telegram, PoliticAll, and Instagram.

Read more about demographic change in the United States (and other White countries) here on our Substack.

"The Great Replacement and Belgium"

77% of Belgians no longer feel at home in their own country.

This is no surprise when one considers that the non-White population of Belgium tripled between 2001 and 2023.

From some 490,000 non-Whites to more than 1.5 million according to the lowest estimates.

In total the immigrant and immigrant descended population, White and non-White, of Belgium rose from 18.2% in 2021 to 33.4% as of 2023.

Belgians are now only 65.5% of the population in their own homeland. A homeland which is increasingly violent.

Moroccan, Albanian, Turkish and other foreign origin criminal gangs have made Belgium the drug capital of Europe and are engaged in gang wars in the country's major cities.

Yet, Nationalist policymakers hold a great many seats on regions like Flanders, and current Belgian law enables widespread policy changes would could repatriate nearly all of Belgium's non-native population.

Read our full piece and learn more about the radical demographic transformation of Belgium and the simple steps which could be taken to reverse the Great Replacement in the country:

White Papers dan repost
Oregon was a pioneering state by many definitions.

The Oregon territory banned slavery at its inception but also passed a series of laws that defined Oregon as a state exclusively for its founding White population.

The slavery ban was carried into the state's first constitution, as were provisions defining Oregon for its founding White population.

From its foundation until the 1990s, Oregon retained its White character. The state was 97.9% White in 1960, and even 91% White in 1990.

But, the 1965 immigration act, Reagan Amnesty, and mass illegal immigration would not spare the state.

Today Oregon is just 71.7% White and the share is declining by roughly 5% a decade.

Learn more about the demographic changes America is experiencing, and view more infographics, here on our Substack.

Be sure to find us on Telegram.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.