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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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nct 127 rp—ers absen sini kesini dong, sebut nama + id yaa


Ralita Kasabinta.

result board, here 🤩💥

ㅤㅤㅤㅤMeyvyné Avianca

gada angin gada ujan gue pengen aja gitu deskripsiin si Meyvy trulala. Gue kenal Meyvy awalnya di Zydream pas akhir Januari (?) ya betul gue sama dia udah lama saling kenal, tapi awal kenal dia namanya bukan Meyvy tapi *biiip* gamau nyebut nanti dimarahin bocahnya wgwgw, Meyvy yg selalu denger cerita gue tiap hari tanya aja sesuatu tentang gue ke Meyvy pasti dia tau AHAHAHA anw ily mepi 😎💖, anaknya lawak tapi recehnya ada juga, NGESELIN PAKE BANGET DAH ASLI TAPI GAPAPA 🙄✌️🏻✌️🏻 mepi suka ngasih solusi ke gue kalo ada masalah dan yaps pemikirannya dewasa, salah satu temen gue yg paling deket + awet, soalnya dulu pas awal ketemu gue kasih borax abang abang bakso tikus, buat fi gue ke dia kayanya lupa... tapi dia talkactive banget 😍😬 gue suka manggil dia “dedek” tapi dianya gamau katanya jelek gasuka, tapi tetep aja kadang gue panggil dedek 😎😎 Mepi cantik banget dong jelas walaupun kadang rada rada miring otaknya. Gabisa gue ketikin semuanya soalnya ada banyak fakta tentang seorang Meyvy ini HAHAHA, be happy ya mepi ily ily ily 🤩💟

Meyvyné Avianca, she is my friend, my best friend. A super girl, with a super personality, she can be the life and soul of the day. when you most need a friendly face, she is there. When you most need a shoulder to cry on, she is there. She is pretty, but she won't believe you if you tell her. She runs around laughing her head off. Irritating, the one word to describe her. I won't repeat the Irritating thing she has said, believe me when i say they're weird, she makes me laugh til i cry, smile and never stop. That's why she is my bestfriend and always will be. 👭✋🏻

ㅤㅤI used to жить по правилам everything or nothing but this time is different and ɪ ᴍɪss ᴇᴠᴇɴ одинокий поцелуй or just a little sign of your existence and i’m ready to beg you on my knees stay мой любовник, please. Oh, but 🅜︎🅨︎ 🅛︎🅞︎🅥︎🅔︎ 💟🖤 i’m afraid that this way by these words i can make you the most ᴀᴅᴏʀᴀʙʟᴇ 😃 человек в мире and it’s not what i planned i’m not sure I’d be glad seeing you 👀👀 with another girl but все возможно you are so رائع. That i’m really scared 😨😨 of you i’m ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ so far away i think i have to move i should اعتني بك there is so many красивые женщины around i’m getting be really afraid of that, you are 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 😍🖤! Don’t forget! That I need you سيء جدا, Lee Haechan 🐻💥❤️‍🔥

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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