
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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biar dilihat itu punya lo kah

lo sebelumnya udah buat ch dari 3 September kan tapi usn nya bukan Jungcon

[ Help FW moots ]

Hai, buat kamu yang ngekeep @Jungcon boleh tolong balikin nggak? itu username aku, aku mau keep tapi karena limit jadi harus aku nungguin sekitar 30 menitan dan pas udah selesai malah udah dikeep duluan. kalo kamu butuh proof ada kok, tolong ya balikin ke @Hoveon Thankyou

balikin usn aku :()#+#+$+302/


Return @jungcon please ??


ㅤChange while you still have time because there may come a time when you wish to change, time no longer you have the material loss can be replaced by the knowledge loss industry by learning to lose health with self-control or medicine, but the time that we pass will be lost forever. Time can never be repeated don't you spend time with people only hurting you because you'll regret it then don't always wait for the right time to do something good But at least it's worth it when the opportunity comes your best because maybe next time you don't come in the near future one day you'll wish you could go back in time instead of thinking about it better not waste your time. time you spend studying will be worth it It all comes down to a price that you'll regret if you waste your time using it for something worthwhile always learning new things. then be happy for whoever is good at organizing and making use of the time of those who do not use time optimally as a person who has wasted his life time cannot be repeated, so let us never waste the time that you have now.

ㅤLook at you and isee the rest of my life in front of my eyes. i love the embrace where you don't want to let go accept my heart and i will build you up a castle with love as the foundation. i may not always be with you, but i want you to know that you never came out of my heart i fall in love and you smile because you know it all over the world, there's no heart for me like yours. in the whole world, there is no love for you like mine in you i'm losing myself without you i find myself wanting to get lost again when i look into your eyes, i know i have found the mirror of my soul i love you means I will love you and stand by you even in your darkest moments. i loved you every step of the way i loved you the way you are, all you have done and all you will do i see that you are perfect and i love you then i see that you're not perfect and i even love you more i want to be in your arms, where you hold me tight and never let go love is made up of one soul living in two bodies sometimes i can't see myself when i'm with you i can only see you.
love :

love you, Jongseong

ㅤㅤ ༄ The blue ocean baster


Choose what you want to choose to be by being accompanied by a cool wind and makes me very smiling as if i see a goose and bird where, the sun does not divert my world just like that i really like this, come here and i will hold your hand tightly for you Don't leave next to me, don't just enjoy the beauty of the beach, but take care more wisely so that our grandchildren can also enjoy the sea and the beach will not appreciate those who are too nervous, too greedy, or too uncatable the beach is fun, while the mountain It is soothing. The waiters knew that the sea was dangerous and the storm was terrible. However, they have never found a danger for reasons of surviving on land with every drop of water you drink, every breath you take, you are connected to the sea. Everywhere on earth you live don't sit and wait. Get out there, feel life. Touch the sun and immerse yourself in the ocean, because i always enjoy the twilight and the waves that make me opinion to always come to the beach. nothing is more beautiful than seeing the persistence of the sea that refuses to stop fondling the shore's lips, even though it repeatedly has to pull away in the current. cause when you get older, it's the only story you can share as you see your grandchildren running around on the sand on this beautiful beach.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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