GunSpergs Anonymous (Kalashnikov GANG)

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Mostly reposts & cool sh!t friends & I find.

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Magpul just brought video game HUDs into real life

A closer look at the Type 73

Iranian soldiers with a Type 73 & a PK type MG side by side during The Iran-Iraq War

Type 73 in Yemen being used by a Houthi

Type 73 in use with The SAA in Syria

Type 73 in Iraq

North Korean Type 73 MG chambered in 7.62x54r. They can be fed with a 30 round detachable box mag or 100 to 250 round non-disintegrating belts

Cartel cavalry riding with a Barrett .50, somewhere in Mexico

The Gilboa Snake, a double barrel AR. Photos are from Zanzibar, India

Gun Expert dan repost

Gun Expert dan repost

Gun Expert dan repost
Двухствольный AR Gilboa Snake на параде в Занзибаре.

Villar Perosa OVP Submachine Gun. Produced in 1918 in Italy & chambered in 9mm Glisenti

Japanese Experimental Model 2 Submachine gun chambered in 8x22 Nambu. Designed in 1935

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One of the most famous pictures from The War in Vietnam. A South Vietnamese General executes a VC guerilla with a Smith & Wesson .38 Special Bodyguard during The Tet Offensive

PPS 43, Vietnam

PPSH 41 in Vietnam

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