ADVANCED ENGLISH PHRASES to sound more natural in English 💯🔥
✨ 24/7 - constantly going on (doimiy ravishda)
I am working 24/7, because I have to finish this project.
✨ TO DRAW THE LINE - to stop, to never do something because you think it is wrong (to'xtatmoq, biron narsani yomon ekanligini bilib, uni qilmaslik)
I am going to draw the line about working more than forty hours a week.
✨ EASIER SAID THAN DONE - not as easy as it appears to be ( o'zbek tilida "aytishga oson" iborasiga to'g'ri keladi)
Needless to say, this is easier said than done!
✨ EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING - finding good in every bad situation (yomon vaziyatda ham yaxshilikni topa olish)
Though he had failed his exam, he realized that every cloud has a silver lining, as now he could focus his attention on things he loved doing.
✨ TO GO THE EXTRA MILE - to make an extra effort ( qo'shimcha harakat qilish)
When it comes to weaker students, the teacher goes the extra mile to help them understand.
✨ PLAIN AS DAY - obvious, clear (aniq, ravshan)
I don't want to sound mean but with your low grades it's plain as day that you won't get into Harvard University.
✨ 24/7 - constantly going on (doimiy ravishda)
I am working 24/7, because I have to finish this project.
✨ TO DRAW THE LINE - to stop, to never do something because you think it is wrong (to'xtatmoq, biron narsani yomon ekanligini bilib, uni qilmaslik)
I am going to draw the line about working more than forty hours a week.
✨ EASIER SAID THAN DONE - not as easy as it appears to be ( o'zbek tilida "aytishga oson" iborasiga to'g'ri keladi)
Needless to say, this is easier said than done!
✨ EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING - finding good in every bad situation (yomon vaziyatda ham yaxshilikni topa olish)
Though he had failed his exam, he realized that every cloud has a silver lining, as now he could focus his attention on things he loved doing.
✨ TO GO THE EXTRA MILE - to make an extra effort ( qo'shimcha harakat qilish)
When it comes to weaker students, the teacher goes the extra mile to help them understand.
✨ PLAIN AS DAY - obvious, clear (aniq, ravshan)
I don't want to sound mean but with your low grades it's plain as day that you won't get into Harvard University.