Lebanese News and Updates

Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha

Covering Lebanon and occasionally MENA's conflicts. And currently, the war in Palestine.
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ko‘rsatilmagan, Inglizcha
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📲 In response to yesterday's SMS sent to Israeli numbers threatening them, it seems Israel sent a message to Lebanese.
"To our subscribers
Don't worry or be afraid, our warehouses are full to every worthy receiver,"

implying they have a weapon to kill whoever they want to target.

Did anyone get this sms?

4.2k 0 24 18 48

📷 About a hundred locations were attacked, the IDF said launchers.

If the IDF as able to pinpoint that many launchers so easily, no rocket would be able to fire from south Lebanon. What is happening is two things:

1- Attacking launchers they exposed long ago, decoys, etc
2- Attacking valleys they know Hezbullah is in, and has infrastructure surely, but in a way where the explosion of the bomb in that area is meant to cause damage by effect and destroy whatever is there.

4.4k 0 13 16 62

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Additional footage from the attcks on Al-Rayhan

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ اصْبِرُواْ وَصَابِرُواْ وَرَابِطُواْ وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ‎

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 Airstrikes continue on Al-Rayhan mountain, targeting infrastructure.

All attacks are deep, and the aim is to damage Hezbullah's infrastructure and abilities and to size them into a smaller force in terms of materials and useable things

📷 The number of airstrikes sharply rose to 60.

The Jewish army is attacking the outskirts:
- Mahmoudiya
- Al-Aishiya
- Rayhan Heights
- Barghaz River

4k 0 19 5 102

📷 About 36 Israeli airstrikes took place in Mahmoudieh area, in valleys where the IDF claims there is infrastructure for Hezbullah.

The attacks are meant to cover the whole valley area, and damage as a result any infrastructure there by the size of the bombs.

This is the second large wave of attacks, more expected and on daily basis. The war only got heated.

4k 0 13 2 78

"They will not return home"

📷 An Israeli airstrike between Al-Wardiah and Al-Mahmoudieh

📷 Metulla, and the injury of Israeli soldiers operating out of civilian houses in the settlement.

4.1k 0 10 12 96

⭕️ With 16 attacks so far, Hezbullah felt compelled to release a map now.

As his eminence said, it's a bet. The settlers will not return the north unless the war ends in Gaza, as he described them "the occupying settlers to the occupied land"

Israel's crimes in Lebanon only made Hezbullah furious and more determined to act harsher.

5k 0 21 7 106

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
📹 The Israeli army claims yesterday's and today's wave of attacks destroyed some 180 Hezbullah bases and rocket launchers around south Lebanon.

5k 0 13 13 83

⭕️ So far Hezbullah (المنصور) has taken credit for 15 attacks.

Photo from attack on Metulla earlier. It was attacked again now. Smoke can be seen also now. Details later on all attacks.

🇱🇧l🇮🇱 Security officials to IDF: "The discussion currently being held with Prime Minister Netanyahu is one of the most important discussions that have taken place here in recent days."

The army officials will present a number of possible courses of action - and the political echelon will be required to make important decisions."

Israel is currently setting a number of goals for the action that is expanding in Lebanon:
1. The main goal - creating the conditions to return the residents to their homes
2. Removal of Hezbollah from the border
3. Significant damage to Hezbollah's capabilities
4. Avoiding the expansion of the campaign into a regional war

6.5k 1 31 26 107

🇱🇧l🇮🇱 Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says  that there are "significant opportunities, but also heavy risks" as Israel enters a new phase of the war.
"This is a new phase in the war, it has significant opportunities, but also heavy risks. Hezbollah is feeling chased and the sequence of our military operations will continue,"

Two Israeli soldiers were killed and about a dozen injured in two of Hezbullah's attacks

The carcases are identified as:

- Maj. (res.) Nael Fwarsy, 43, a logistics company commander in the 300th "Baram" Regional Brigade's 299th Battalion, from Maghar. (Druze)

- Sgt. Tomer Keren, 20, of the Golani Brigade's 51st Battalion, from Haifa. (Jew)

The major turd was killed in a drone attack, while the Golani princess was killed in an ATGM attack.

6.5k 0 11 24 220

⭕️ The speech was marvelously calm, confident, soothing, well addressed and short.

Composed, no fear or worry or concen. This is what we know and always expected from the leadership of this phenomenal nation.

Israel, you will regret. God doesn't take lightly the blood you shed.

12.7k 1 48 85 362

- If the enemy establishes a security belt, it must know that it will turn into a trap, a mire, and an ambush, and it will face a difficult reckoning.

- We hope to maintain this positivity among the Lebanese people, away from the trivial people who want to distort this humanitarian scene.

- We hope that God will help our people in Gaza and the West Bank who are being subjected to genocide before the eyes of the world

- Netanyahu and Galant’s foolish, narcissistic, reckless leadership will lead the occupying entity to a deep valley and the destruction of the Third Temple

- There is no doubt that the aggression that took place is a major and unprecedented aggression and will be met with a severe reckoning and just retribution

- The enemy will be faced with a harsh reckoning and just retribution, whether it expects it or not.

[End of Speech]

7.1k 0 20 6 141

- The enemy’s talk about transferring the weight to the north is varied after expanding the war’s objectives to include returning its settlers to the north of occupied Palestine

- Can you return the displaced to the north? We accept this challenge and you cannot return them, do whatever you want

- The only way to return the displaced to the north is to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank

- The foolish proposal of the commander of the northern region to establish a security belt, we hope they implement it and we consider it a historic opportunity that will have major effects on the battle

- What you are doing will increase the displacement of the displaced from the north and will remove the opportunity for their return

- Currently we are searching well and utilizing intelligence to find the tanks they are hiding, but when they come to us, they will be welcome and we will consider this threat a historic opportunity that we hope for

- The enemy aimed to strike the resistance environment, exhaust it, drain it, and subjugate it, and for it to shout to the resistance and say “Enough”

- The statements of the wounded themselves reflect their morale, great patience and determination to return to the field, and this is another response to the enemy

- The enemy also aimed to destroy the resistance structure, strike the command and control systems, strike the largest number of leaders, and create chaos and weakness in our structure. This never happened.

- There was no weakness in the resistance structure for even a moment, and we were ready on the front for any scenario. Our structure is so strong, solid, powerful, equipped, numerous and cohesive that a major crime of this magnitude can not shake it.

- The enemy must realize that it is impossible to harm our structure, determination, and will. It is foolish and stupid, and does not understand the moral depth of our support base

9.2k 2 27 1 162

- Our front was effective and exerted great pressure on the enemy, and the evidence is what the enemy does and says. All the forces that the enemy has sent to the north confirm that it is facing a real threat on this front

- The enemy admitted the loss of the north, which forced Netanyahu and Galant to find a solution to this front, which is considered one of the most important fronts of attrition

- Our front is one of the most important negotiating cards that the Palestinian resistance has in order to stop the aggression on Gaza

- A lot of pressure, threats and attacks were exerted in order to stop the southern front, and in this context came the last strike. We have received threats of more strikes through official and unofficial channels if we do not cease fire

- Our answer is in the name of the martyrs and the wounded, that the Lebanese front will not stop until the aggression on Gaza stops, whatever the sacrifices, consequences, possibilities and horizons

6.9k 0 16 22 156
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