The Legion

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All for Christ, commander of the heavenly host.

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For your spiritual nourishment. Great to listen to while you are working out, driving or trying to fall asleep. The book is a collection of sayings and teachings, and thus can be listened to in small chunks.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
“Training in the GI is unrealistic”

Orthodox Christian- “I beg to differ”


MEDIA2RISE dan repost
Huntington Beach, California

Nationalist clubs and organizations from around the country returned to Southern California to compete in the second Will2Rise tournament hosted by the SoCal Active Club.

Media2Rise will give an exclusive look into the events that have clubs from thousands of miles away sending their fighters West. Each fighter represents the best of his club and organization, making this year's Frontier tournament a monument to unity and nationalist networking.

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena."

Pray for Greece!

Lord have Mercy

You will never convince me this isn’t literal demon possession.

Nova Legio Michælis dan repost

I write these hasty lines to you in the midst of battle. Here, in this whirlpool of risk and dangers, my soul finds the purpose of all its earthly life.

In open battle, the holy hour has now struck that all those who throughout this land are of legionary heart, step with brave joy. It is in the sword that I unsheathed that a troubled and weakened Fatherland places its last hopes with so much confidence.

Who is he who would not behave like a lion when in the play of his sword lies the very existence of our sacred Romania?

The enemy must feel terrorized by the sharpness of this sword. Cowards should step aside. And you, fist tight on the iron handle, surge forward.

On your soldier brows the Country puts Its Blessing. From the height of heaven St. Michael the Archangel protects us, leads us and makes us victorious.

And you shall salute with "Present Arms!" those fallen in battle.

— C.Z.C., November 8, 1930

Wisconsin Christian Conscience dan repost

The Marauder Project dan repost
Classic adventurer and Scout aesthetics.

ACTIVE CLUB dan repost

As of a few days ago, Rundo was officially extradited to the US.
For everyone who Rundo has inspired online or in person, this is your opportunity to pay it back and show your support by sending him letters, books (must be from the store itself or Amazon), etc.
Keep in mind to have good optics and watch what you say. Also, don’t send him any spergy books or materials like Siege, etc. Rundo wouldn’t like it anyways.

Robert Rundo
Inmate # 77104112
MDC Los Angeles
PO Box 531500
Los Angeles,CA 90053

We all appreciate your support here at W2R and we’re not going anywhere💪🏻

- W2R crew

Wisconsin Christian Conscience dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Indiana and Wisconsin Christian Conscience met at Indiana Dunes State Park for boxing, hiking and the beach. For info on our upcoming summer events message @wiscocc @indianachristianconscience 7/29/2023

Legio Christi Bullhorn dan repost
🇷🇴 After the Bucharest pride march, local Orthodox Christians came out to pray for the sinners and their country.

Let us say a quick prayer for Romania and other Eastern European countries suffering from the massive onslaught of the GWO.

Atlas Active Club dan repost
"There is dignity in serenity, there is dignity too in clenched teeth and flashing eyes"

16 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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