oddiesto! ˃ᴗ˂. dan repost
hello there! ayi is speaking right now. yesterday oddiesto reached 300 and 400 subscribers! i'm so thankful to all of you, i never would have thought i would get to this point. if it wasn't for all of you, i wouldn't have gotten to this position. i, millary blaire, as park jihoon's lovely girlfriend, would like to say thank you to all of you. the most special one is :
@seraphille @shysourie @gleeglade @roseiville @rosycave @midonights @monofore @mourielley @nukomyeu @ottabus @schouvett @mifactory @veryiech @cartleise @kissfolks @sourbrise @mewsite @toystoreies @afteak @morrebyth @noctuirs @loopiesse @soinefalle @etremorties @phemisc @obzoi @acierical @booksided @ebvlouissant @liaisonchoue @thorblare @fantaswi @alumbraciion @satisfology @qwesome @sourmithes @mirthepy @saintevois @chewysoul @saoume @faitlaiswood @serendle @sorfyltien @cherblu @wirndow @cafeneuric @scenthry @lamivne @scaxrz @jescouth @cheriescent @dolleible @seoucy @hauntees @doemirth @rosendisy @seicylef @carrdsekai @doeryist @lameiryls @solstise @glucklichs @potraitroses @crossure @livlac @uppereastt @heirths @addicteen @delythea @dollpiece @noerveig @soratyn @killsmary @poemies @louritta @bimbomys @blackstoonecs @casarelle
I'm really grateful to all of you. I'm sorry if there were one or two messages that I didn't see and missed. But deep down, I'm happy and thankful that you're all here. ❤️❤️
@seraphille @shysourie @gleeglade @roseiville @rosycave @midonights @monofore @mourielley @nukomyeu @ottabus @schouvett @mifactory @veryiech @cartleise @kissfolks @sourbrise @mewsite @toystoreies @afteak @morrebyth @noctuirs @loopiesse @soinefalle @etremorties @phemisc @obzoi @acierical @booksided @ebvlouissant @liaisonchoue @thorblare @fantaswi @alumbraciion @satisfology @qwesome @sourmithes @mirthepy @saintevois @chewysoul @saoume @faitlaiswood @serendle @sorfyltien @cherblu @wirndow @cafeneuric @scenthry @lamivne @scaxrz @jescouth @cheriescent @dolleible @seoucy @hauntees @doemirth @rosendisy @seicylef @carrdsekai @doeryist @lameiryls @solstise @glucklichs @potraitroses @crossure @livlac @uppereastt @heirths @addicteen @delythea @dollpiece @noerveig @soratyn @killsmary @poemies @louritta @bimbomys @blackstoonecs @casarelle
I'm really grateful to all of you. I'm sorry if there were one or two messages that I didn't see and missed. But deep down, I'm happy and thankful that you're all here. ❤️❤️