Due to @Telegram's privacy policy, i declare this channel was created for roleplaying purposes only. And don't connected with Kim Taehyung
This channel contains nsfw and harswords, But i might not putting any CW or TW on it. if you're not comfortable, please unsubscribe this channel. Don't forget to remove me form your channel too. and if your muse still a Minor feel free to unsubscribe this channel. Thanks a lot.
Due to @Telegram's privacy policy, i declare this channel was created for roleplaying purposes only. And don't connected with Kim Taehyung
This channel contains nsfw and harswords, But i might not putting any CW or TW on it. if you're not comfortable, please unsubscribe this channel. Don't forget to remove me form your channel too. and if your muse still a Minor feel free to unsubscribe this channel. Thanks a lot.