Mad Caps. ORDAL

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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Happy Mensive @NCTTDREAM @siblingrent @F4RENT 😘😘

👀 Casa (@Casanpva) read the message

👀 Rash J (@budlge) read the message

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
awali 2023 dgn ni awo tek tek

pagi capsiesss


Happy New Year CAPSIESSSS😍❤️

lirik ni awo ni awo medkep dong capsiess

Weekend pada ngapain nih?

Spg spg

👀 Isabella Hillary (@velleities) read the message

🍦🍦🍦 @talentmadcaps 🍦🍦🍦

Selamat malam. Considering the coming of a new year is in sight— commemorating is an opportunity that should not be missed for a time that will always be thought back to, our agency will receive rental forms with the ORDAL system. Kita udah siapin form khusus dibawah ini ya. Pastikan kalian kirimnya ke @MadCapsEbot, jangan sampai salah!

Hello, Mad Caps! May I ask about one of your talents? Is (Nama Talent) available to be rented for (Rental Period + Start Rent) with the (REG/VIP/VVIP) package? Thank you!

Example: Hello, Mad Caps! May I ask about one of your talents? Is Joko available to be rented for 3 days after pay with the REG package? Thank you!



Spg capsies

Lo kn emang kelakuannya suka diluar nalar

jgn tuduh ak #berimisheykeadilan

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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