Miscellaneous Illuminations

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Miscellaneous Illuminations

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Las secuencias genéticas usadas en los PCR para detectar el presunto SARS- CoV-2 y diagnosticar los casos de enfermos y muertos que se achacan a la Covid-19 están presentes en decenas de secuencias del propio genoma humano y en los de un centenar de microbios. Y eso incluye a los iniciadores o cebadores, a los fragmentos más extensos tomados al azar de su supuesto “genoma» e incluso a los llamados “genes diana” presuntamente específicos del “nuevo coronavirus”. La prueba carece de valor alguno y todos los resultados «positivos» obtenidos hasta ahora deberían quedar científicamente invalidados y comunicársele así a los afectados; y si se trata de fallecidos a sus familiares.

La estafa se constata: la PCR no detecta el SARS-CoV-2 DSalud Número 242 - Novembre 2020

El conocido virólogo alemán Stefan Lanka asegura que los virus ni son microbios ni tienen capacidad infectiva por lo que la Covid-19 no puede haberla causado el presunto SARS-CoV-2 cuya existencia, además, no está demostrada. Es más, niega que exista una pandemia, que haya millones de infectados y muertos por ese coronavirus y que las vacunas se justifiquen ya que ni son eficaces ni inocuas sino muy peligrosas. Así nos lo aseguró -entre otras muchas cosas- durante la extensa entrevista que mantuvimos con él en la que desvela la farsa que está viviendo el mundo debido a las constantes mentiras y manipulaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y las agencias internacionales de medicamentos en complicidad con los dirigentes políticos de la mayoría de los gobiernos.

en español 3/3

El conocido virólogo alemán Stefan Lanka asegura que los virus ni son microbios ni tienen capacidad infectiva por lo que la Covid-19 no puede haberla causado el presunto SARS-CoV-2 cuya existencia, además, no está demostrada. Es más, niega que exista una pandemia, que haya millones de infectados y muertos por ese coronavirus y que las vacunas se justifiquen ya que ni son eficaces ni inocuas sino muy peligrosas. Así nos lo aseguró -entre otras muchas cosas- durante la extensa entrevista exclusiva grabada en vídeo que mantuvimos con él cuya primera parte publicamos el número pasado y de cuya segunda parte nos hacemos eco en esta ocasión ya que habrá una tercera. Y es que Stefan Lanka cuestiona muchos de los dogmas establecidos y aceptados por los biólogos y médicos de todo el mundo.

en español 2/3

El conocido virólogo alemán Stefan Lanka asegura que los virus ni son microbios ni tienen capacidad infectiva por lo que la Covid-19 no puede haberla causado un coronavirus como el presunto SARS-CoV-2 cuya existencia además no está demostrada. Así nos lo ha asegurado durante una entrevista en exclusiva que hemos grabado en vídeo en la que asimismo explica que es hora de cuestionar todo lo que sobre los virus dicen la Virología, la Microbiología y la Medicina. Es más, asevera que los test que se usan para la Covid-19 son una estafa, que las cifras de supuestos «contagiados» y «muertos por» son irreales y que las vacunas no van a solucionar nada y además son muy peligrosas.

en español (1/3)

⬆️⬆️⬆️"You say that in order that your muzzle works i have to put on on a muzzle, and in order that your vaccination works i have to take a vaccine? How interesting!! Tell me more! But first tell me, in order for your brain to work what do I have to do?"

HrsImages dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Author, journalist and expert in gobal finance matters, Ernst Wolff gave this speech towards end of August 2021. It exposes the whole Corona narrative and the real goal behind all of the Corona measures drievn by a global elite: the installation of a dystopic new world order, introduction of a digital currency, massive loss of our human freedoms. Wolff ends on a hopeful note and explains how we can help to derail this insane plan from the derranged mind of Klaus Schwab and all his supporters.

Please consider watching this (reading the English subtitles), the clearest overview of strategies for the attempted global take-over that I've seen so far.
🔥*Humanity rise up*🔥

You will notice that in many posts here there is a downloadable PDF of the article or essay.

Censorship has increased to such a level that even links to supposedly uncensored platforms are increasingly not working.

Please consider downloading the articles you find interesting and sharing them in whatever creative ways that occur to you.

"Contrary to what most people believe, there is no such thing as a disease-causing virus! Assumptions about the existence of viruses are based on misconceptions that we have historically dragged along with us, not on deliberate deception or malpractice as I myself had previously assumed. We now have new and better scientific findings that explain the origin, treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases, not just infections."

Originally published in Spanish https://www.sanasport.es/wp-content/uploads/VIRUS-UN-ERROR-DE-INTERPRETACION.-STEFAN-LANKA.pdf

Here in English translation https://ia601405.us.archive.org/26/items/Misinterpretation/Misinterpretation.pdf

Africa Covid19 Awareness dan repost
What an option, eh?

Be informed, and inform others. Our mutual survival depends on it.

"Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." Voltaire


- Why isn't covid affecting you people?
- We don't have TV

The “virus mutation” Feb 20, 2021
Quote, 'Since early February, a whole series of alarming statements about SARS-CoV-2 and its alleged mutations have been circulating in the media.
Two of the most prominent examples are these:

The mutation from the UK and others will overrun us, the virus has been given a rocket boost.

This race has long been lost.

Probably just about everyone in Germany knows these quotes, which come from another so-called “corona expert” – one of the “voices of science.” How many experts are there? Nevertheless, the assertions of this “expert,” a virologist by profession, have not only been extensively disseminated via many media channels, but have also often been (justifiably) criticised.

We don’t want to discuss the media and media representatives here, but what scientists are expecting when they spread such wild horror forecasts is really a mystery to us. Whatever their intentions may be, such scaremongering is certainly not helpful! Especially when it has no factual basis whatsoever.

The well-known German virologist Stefan Lanka asserts that viruses are neither microbes nor do they have infectious capacity, so that Covid-19 cannot have been caused by the alleged SARS-CoV-2, whose existence, moreover, has not been demonstrated. Furthermore he disputes that there is a pandemic, that there are millions of people infected and killed by this coronavirus, and that vaccines are justified since they are neither effective nor innocuous but very dangerous.This is what he affirmed - among many other things - during the extensive interview we had with him in which he reveals the farce that the world is living through due to the constant lies and manipulations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the international drug agencies in complicity with the political leaders of most governments.

June 2021, 3rd of 3 articles published in DSalud Spanish magazine about health and medicine

The well-known German virologist Stefan Lanka asserts that viruses are neither microbes nor have infectious capacity, so that Covid-19 could not have been caused by the alleged SARS-CoV-2, the existence of which, moreover, has not been demonstrated. Moreover, he disputes that there is a pandemic, that there are millions of people infected and killed by this coronavirus and that vaccines are justified since they are neither effective nor innocuous but very dangerous. This is what he assured us - among many other things - during the extensive exclusive videotaped interview we had with him, the first part of which we published last issue and the second part of which we echo on this occasion as there will be a third. Stefan Lanka questions many of the established dogmas accepted by biologists and physicians around the world.

May 2021, 2nd of 3 articles published in DSalud Spanish magazine about health and medicine

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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