Due to a few noteworthy personalities on Terrorgram becoming political prisoners shortly after Durov's arrest, I really don't know how safe Telegram is. We know they were arrested at home, but we do not know how they were identified. Basic tips like using a throwaway phone number and
using TOR whenever connecting to Telegram go a long way.
The admins and I have looked into
SimpleX as an alternative, and while it's not as smooth as Telegram, it appears to be miles ahead with regard to privacy and security. A great perk with SimpleX is the ability to join chats anonymously, which further compartmentalizes identities.
White Nationalists are in a transitional period. I enjoy Telegram. I am grateful for the reach we have cultivated over the years. We have a combined 15,700+ subscribers between both channels, and routinely get our posts (both provocative and informative) shared amongst even the more normie-centric channels. For an openly National Socialist tech page,
that's pretty fuckin' rad.
This all said,
Telegram should be treated now as an insecure drop box for file hosting. Storing your preferred Hollywood zogslop is one thing, distributing boob-making materials is another (we would NEVER endorse any young, disillusioned man to drink soy).
Relevant files should be archived, and accounts should be periodically purged and deleted.tl;dr: e-clout < freedomYou can join the
PrivSecGoys SimpleX channel by copying and pasting this link into the SimpleX app. There's not much there as of now, but we will begin to post more on that platform. If you prefer to contribute in the way many of you do (mindlessly shitpost), you can do so with more impunity in our
chat room.
If this experimental app doesn't pan out, so be it. I'm not married to it. At the end of the day,
we need to be more pro-active instead of maintaining the status quo as we are picked off one by one. Even if Durov can be trusted, his (unencrypted) servers cannot.