National Folkism

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National Folkism is a racialist, tribalist, nationalist, pagan, and futurist ideology made for a Pagan Future. Here we shall explain the concepts of National Folkism through essays until we compile a Manifesto.

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==The Werewolf Cult: Pirates, Cowboys, and the feeling of 'SS'==
Many stories today show Werewolves as impossible things, people that literally transform into bipedal wolfmen, killing and eating anything in their path. If there is a kinder representation of werewolves, ones that show the noble side in any sense, they will always be depicted as non-white (usually Skraelings that like to fancy themselves Natives). It is abysmal that we let our lore be desecrated by Media Handlers, worse that these Christian Nationalists will snicker and giggle because a Jewish author or liberal director infected our myth with degeneracy, as if it was always like that. The worst thing we have done, however, is not do anything to revive this sacred Wolf Cult. This must be said loud and clear, and let this post be shared with all so at least these words can be read: Anti-Wolf is Anti-White! The Wolf is the most important animal deity that we have if we want to win this war. Before Christianity, there were Wolf Cults dedicated to Tyr and The Wolf. They honored The Wolf, studied it, walked in it's skin, and finally took on it's essence. The same principle can be applied to Pirates, Cowboys, and the SS. All of these groups practiced Master Morality, which can only be achieved by putting one's self in danger. Pirates raided the coasts of the New World for loot and personal glory, cowboys explored the frontier for a new life and to get away from civilization. While the reasons for going to their destinations were different, they still achieved the Feeling of SS, and could therefore understand morality. The SS in Germany was lead by Heinrich Himmler, a well known Pagan, and thus could be seen a resurrection of the Werewolf Cult. Leon Degrelle went from a private to a skilled General in a very short time under the SS, and it is no surprise why. The SS was an army of Warriors and Adventurers, not an army of bread. More esoterically speaking, they sufficiently tapped into the Werewolf Consciousness, which some call The SS Egregore. They transcended the separation between Societal Man and Bestial Man, becoming what man truly is supposed to be: an animal in nature. The only way to truly win over our people's hearts and minds is not through "hiding our power levels" or appealing to reactionaries for reason of being on one side of a false political spectrum. No! The way we win is by tapping into the Wolf Consciousness, to achieve that feeling of SS, and to show our people why our ways are better than the ways of Abraham. The Fight for Vinland begins You! I shall post a PDF below on one method of tapping into Wolf Consciousness.

Hail to D'Annunzio, a man who's revolution was his own!

WillOfR dan repost
What is the most awesome?
  •   1.) Pirates
  •   2.) Dragons
  •   3.) Cowboys
69 ta ovoz

==Speed, Violence, Beauty==
The 3 principles of National Folkist Futurism, are Speed, Violence, and Beauty. For people with a smidgen of liberalism still lurking within, or those that are trying to play it "safe" or "optical" will find these these principles difficult to adhere to. Speed is important in our everyday lives because without it, there would be no dynamism, and without dynamism our life, culture, and sense of reality starts to decay. Our ancestors lived speedy lives, and this does not mean that they lived short lives. They lived with purpose, to make the most of their life as they possibly can, to be something beyond just basic necessities. In the political sense, Speed is efficiency in government, justice, and action. The second principle is that of Violence. This one is hard for many people to swallow because they are 1) afraid of talking about it, and 2) afraid of doing it. We do not mean to encourage reactionary or impulsive violence, like that of the mestizo or negro. We instead encourage constructive and revolutionary violence. For instance, sparring with your friends, fighting for your land, removing tyrants, engaging in piracy against enemy nations is all constructive and revolutionary violence because it brings greater benefit to the nation in someway, and it keeps the gears of history turning even if in a small way. It may not be pretty to some, but this is what is necessary to not stagnant into decadence and decay. While we do not allow total chaos, we do allow Legal Babarism so to speak, as to keep a sense of dynamism while also keeping the peace. Martial Excellency is a core virtue in National Folkist society among men. Beauty is our last, and most important principle. It is the reason why the first two principles exist, why we must live a speedy life and why we must be violent. War in it's purest form is a battle of aesthetics, a fight for something we as a people have sculpted with our collective will. To allow outsiders and bad breeding to ruin that is to allow the greatest art project in existence to go to waste! Let us stop saying "go back to" and "turn it around". We must zoom into the future, a pagan future. We must have a dynamic world also. A Dynamic World full of Gods and Spirits!

Amerikaner, to Vinland.doc
Here is one of the first docs that I wrote on National Folkism. It is a brief primer to the Ideology.

==Permaculture and National Self-Sufficiency==
We National Folkists believe that the State is an apparatus for the folk, not the other way around like current governments do. Post revolution, we would like to transition from agriculture to permaculture. This is one of the main tenets of our economic policy because we believe that nature is something to be a part of, not to exploit. Agriculture has evolved to the point where we need artificial fertilizers just to be able to harvest enough crops. We need to put an end to this! By giving incentives for farmers to transition their farms to permacultural ones, and for common people to put it into practice as well, we can slowly realize an ethical and ecological way of maintaining a food supply. Permaculturalization will not happen over night, but so long as the State is giving incentives to the people to practice permaculture, this process will happen! The State will also provide for education in practical skills that can liberate individuals from dependence on urbanization, so that we may reduce it. Vinland under National Folkism will have cities, albeit very small ones that reflect us as a people, but will not have an Urbanite Consumer class as we do today. The State shall help our folk become a self-reliant and self-sufficient people who find purpose in their livelihood. We do not need our folk to be dependent on the State, for it is not control we seek. National Folkism is Aryan Liberation!

Here is something to look at on the masculine and feminine sides of Spirituality.

Women are more than "holes" in National Folkism. They are the ones who are best suited to be Priestesses devoted to our Godesses. Let us not forget the contributions of the likes of Devi, Orsic, Hypatia, and so many other women who were brave enough to stand up for Aryanism! If you meet an obviously bright and gifted woman who is going down a bad path, talk to her. Teach her of our folklore, our myths, our Gods, our ways. We are not talking just about the men reading this, we are speaking especially to the women. Help your Aryan Sisters out! Not one man or woman with potential wasted. Initiate them into a Coven as men initiate themselves into a Mannerbund!

Wotan Nation⚡⚡ dan repost


The National Folkist Flag's colors are simple. The Green represents our connection to Nature, in all it's aspects. The White is our devotion to purity, in our race and in our faith. The symbol in the middle is called The Shielding. It is an ING rune surrounded in a circle. It represents a rejuvenation of our people, protected from all that may try to harm us and our glorious revolution! If you like what the symbol stands for, you can download this image and print it out as a 3x5 flag on amazon. Hang it on your wall, or wave it on a pole. Let The Shielding bring you rejuvenation and protection!

==Form a Tribe today, not tomorrow==
Tribalism is a very important aspect of National Folkism. Tribes will effectively become local governments under National Folkist Government, so it is important that they form now rather than later. First and foremost, you should be proactively promoting Aryanism to friends, coworkers, and locals in your area. ProAra is the first step in the process. Our people need to get a feel for an actual Tribal Spirituality, a spirituality that is animistic, polytheistic, with Gods and Goddesses that look like them and myths that relate to them. The second part is making bonds with your fellow Aryans. Get Married, find some friends you have made in your Aryanist circles, and live near each other. You could do a rural commune thing, just live in the same neighborhood, or maybe you could be a band of nomads living in Vans. Whatever you do, make sure you are having lots of children, and that you are marrying within your circle. 9 should be the minimum each couple should shoot for. But it should go even further than that. If a Tribe wants to have any power, they should be self-sufficient and assertive. A Tribe's power is not necessarily based on size, but on what it brings to the Greater Nation. Great Poets, Warriors, Innovators, they are all working to bring glory to Tribe and Nation! That being said, you and your Tribesmen should be developing useful skills for yourselves, and for the cause. Without Tribal Identity, we will be doomed to be a race of eternally alienated and scattered individuals with no hope of rising up. We want you to pick up the Shielding (The National Folkist Symbol), but you should in another hand have your own Tribe's flag. Have a Tutelary Deity as well! Strive to have legends made about your Tribe. The Chief of a Tribe should not be a mere talker, but a Guerilla Leader and Spiritual Leader. If a Chief cannot lead his people spiritually, or protect them from invasion, he is a failure and should be killed. A real leader is not someone who waits to be picked, we don't have such fortune today. No, a leader is someone who says "if no one else will, I'll do what needs to be done". Taking charge, even if it makes him some enemies. That is the National Folkist Way! That is the Aryan Way! Comrades, your race needs you to take charge and form a damn Tribe!

==Anti-Abrahamic Action: Why it is important==
For those Pagans who have already taken analyzed and studied the CQ to a great degree already have contempt for Christianity, all forms of Abrahamic religions, and know it must be removed from the Aryan consciousness. References to Semitic Peoples alone is enough to warrant it as an invalid spirituality for our people. Anything that isn't of us is invalid for us. This is simple logic for the learned Aryan, but not so much for the Dissident Right trendies who wish to be Secular, the deluded Identity crowd, and of course for the masses out there who think Christianity and White go hand in hand. The process of Anti-Abrahamic Action is gradual in nature, as we as Aryans and National Folkists have to set up a foundation first before we have a Revolution. First and foremost, we should focus on small, low risk action. Make posters with Anti-Abrahamic messages and post them around your town. They have to be aggressive in nature, and should be placed where the most ardent of Abrahamists can see them i.e. their places of worship. For this we recommend a hundred handers like approach, with a network of anonymous posterers. We can also learn from the Groypers, doing mass call ins of Christian figures and ruthlessly criticizing their dogma, while also promoting our own spirituality. These are the most low risk forms of AntiAbe Action you can take. If the extent of one's AntiAbe Action is going to be Propaganda, you have best treat Propaganda as a skill to be perfected. We recommend reading Propaganda by Edward Bernays for sharpening your skills. If it helped Goebbels, it can help you! There are also other forms of AntiAbe Action you can take, which are more high risk. If one is going to do something like that, you had better tell nobody about it. While AntiAbe action is important, you must also do ProAra, or Pro-Aryan Action as well. Go to different social gatherings around your town, invite them to a blot, oral storytime, or whatever, show people how Aryanism is practiced! Groups need to formed, temples built, power acquired! When shit goes down, we need towns, villages, parts of cities where our Jaegers can find safety and support! That being said, we want all practicing Aryans to put forth AntiAbe Action into the world, and record it (either by picture or by video). Perhaps we should have an AntiAbe Action channel documenting this activism.

Aryanism dan repost
A tutelary is a deity or spirit who is a guardian, patron, or protector* of a particular place*, geographic feature, person, lineage*, nation*, culture*, or occupation. 🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️


==Futurist Paganism==
What separates us from the reactionary buffoons out there is that the National Folkist ideally should not have a rose tinted view of the past. This would seem contradictory to being pagan, but it really isn't if one is pagan for the right reasons. Following our natural path is not about glorifying our past, but being in line with our bio spirit, our racial consciousness. It is about being Aryan and meaning it. We can day dream about the flying cars we would be driving if those damn Semites were never flooded in by the Flavian Dynasty. But that will do us no good. We need to start imagining Dynamic World full of Gods and Spirits in the Now and in the Future. We need artists, poets, musicians, and all sorts of creative folks to show a world where this is reality. What does a pagan future look like? How would our Gods be depicted today? What kind of music would we make with the technology we have today, but without Jewish, Negro, or Asiatic influence? We need the principles of Speed, Violence, and Beauty to guide our creative ventures to starkly contrast the Pop Culture of today. National Folkism is for the brave and daring, the men and women who actually want to take risks for the greater good. We take the wisdom of F.T. Marinetti, Antonin Artaud, Ezra Poind, and many of the Futurist and Vorticists and give it a distinctly Pagan flavor. Full Speed into the World!

Amerikaner Mythology

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