Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
Breivik Death Sentence Part 5
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/658
A serious act of terrorism is punishable by imprisonment for up to 30 years:
c. is committed by a person who, by virtue of his position, enjoys a special trust which can be used to carry out a terrorist act https://perma.cc/UV3H-3AE3
So in conclusion: yes, is an huge complex story, BUT not for the type of the crime he did, more because it's complex to understand all reasons behind that ...
The crime he did was pretty easy to sentence, but since our laws make things complicate, all that got complicate.
When in reality is pretty easy, once you have enough proof and the sum of crimes done are enough to put a dude in prison for life / death ...
There are stories much more complex ... For sure 11 September was more complex, even because it was not just one dude.
Last point, between all terrorists, Breivik made the record of number of pages written ...
in few words:
Kriminalomsorgen i Norge er ikke rigget for en innsatt av Anders Behring Breiviks kaliber.
The correctional system in Norway is not equipped for an inmate of Anders Behring Breivik's caliber.
and this is the case for 2023 too!
Et stort flertall av oss er trolig av den oppfatning at Breivik hadde fortjent en strengere straff enn den han fikk. Vi har ikke dødsstraff i Norge. Vi har heller ikke livsvarig fengsel uten mulighet for løslatelse. I stedet har vi forvaring.
A large majority of us are probably of the opinion that Breivik deserved a harsher punishment than the one he received. We do not have the death penalty in Norway. Nor do we have life imprisonment without the possibility of release. Instead, we have custody https://perma.cc/G7QG-U3ZZ
Breiviks advokat har etter min mening et likevel et poeng når han peker på at behandlingen av Breivik skiller seg markant fra behandlingen av alle andre innsatte på forvaring, i og med at han har vært og er underlagt et regime som har ligget fast hele tiden.
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/658
A serious act of terrorism is punishable by imprisonment for up to 30 years:
c. is committed by a person who, by virtue of his position, enjoys a special trust which can be used to carry out a terrorist act https://perma.cc/UV3H-3AE3
So in conclusion: yes, is an huge complex story, BUT not for the type of the crime he did, more because it's complex to understand all reasons behind that ...
The crime he did was pretty easy to sentence, but since our laws make things complicate, all that got complicate.
When in reality is pretty easy, once you have enough proof and the sum of crimes done are enough to put a dude in prison for life / death ...
There are stories much more complex ... For sure 11 September was more complex, even because it was not just one dude.
Last point, between all terrorists, Breivik made the record of number of pages written ...
in few words:
Kriminalomsorgen i Norge er ikke rigget for en innsatt av Anders Behring Breiviks kaliber.
The correctional system in Norway is not equipped for an inmate of Anders Behring Breivik's caliber.
and this is the case for 2023 too!
Et stort flertall av oss er trolig av den oppfatning at Breivik hadde fortjent en strengere straff enn den han fikk. Vi har ikke dødsstraff i Norge. Vi har heller ikke livsvarig fengsel uten mulighet for løslatelse. I stedet har vi forvaring.
A large majority of us are probably of the opinion that Breivik deserved a harsher punishment than the one he received. We do not have the death penalty in Norway. Nor do we have life imprisonment without the possibility of release. Instead, we have custody https://perma.cc/G7QG-U3ZZ
Breiviks advokat har etter min mening et likevel et poeng når han peker på at behandlingen av Breivik skiller seg markant fra behandlingen av alle andre innsatte på forvaring, i og med at han har vært og er underlagt et regime som har ligget fast hele tiden.