Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida ) dan repost
🇩🇪 🥷 German terrorist ...
We need to destroy Arabia, Africa, America Latina ... and we need to destroy Israel 🇮🇱, but nothing has been written about Palestine 🇵🇸
Oh god ... 🤦♂️
We are all surveilled ... 🤦♂️
Well, even if this is bullshit at all ... Doesn't matter, everyone can be surveilled pretty easy ... now with all drones, super zoom cameras, hidden cameras, hacking accounts or smart devices ....
There are people working for the government able to read the thoughts .... 🤦♂️
Den 19 februari 2020 sköt den 43-årige Tobias Rathjen ihjäl nio personer på två vattenpipskaféer i Hanau, Tyskland. Efter dådet begav sig Rathjen till sin lägenhet där han och hans mor senare hittades döda. Rathjen efterlämnade ett 24 sidor långt tyskspråkigt manifest, vars syfte enligt honom själv är att varna tyska folket för en hemlig organisation som bland annat övervakar Rathjen. I manifestet beskrivs också behovet av att utplåna ett
antal ”destruktiva etniciteter”.
On February 19, 2020, 43-year-old Tobias Rathjen shot dead nine people at two hookah cafes in Hanau, Germany. After the crime, Rathjen went to his apartment where he and his mother were later found dead. Rathjen left behind a 24-page long German-language manifesto, the purpose of which, according to himself, is to warn the German people of a
secret organization that, among other things, monitors Rathjen. The manifesto also describes the need to wipe out one
number of "destructive ethnicities".
Now you understand why Breivik is different from other terrorists ... not only he is still alive, wrote much more, the mother was still alive, but he is not saying we need to destroy Muslims too (he has only something against Islam), etc.
Die Polizei nimmt den 75-Jährigen kurz danach in seinem Reihenhaus fest, in dem er noch heute wohnt. Allerdings finden die Ermittler nichts, was eine direkte Tatbeteiligung des Vaters belegt. Es wird aber deutlich, dass er ähnlichen Verschwörungstheorien und rechtsextremen Vorstellungen anhängt wie sein Sohn https://perma.cc/63M7-Q97L
We need to destroy Arabia, Africa, America Latina ... and we need to destroy Israel 🇮🇱, but nothing has been written about Palestine 🇵🇸
Oh god ... 🤦♂️
We are all surveilled ... 🤦♂️
Well, even if this is bullshit at all ... Doesn't matter, everyone can be surveilled pretty easy ... now with all drones, super zoom cameras, hidden cameras, hacking accounts or smart devices ....
There are people working for the government able to read the thoughts .... 🤦♂️
Den 19 februari 2020 sköt den 43-årige Tobias Rathjen ihjäl nio personer på två vattenpipskaféer i Hanau, Tyskland. Efter dådet begav sig Rathjen till sin lägenhet där han och hans mor senare hittades döda. Rathjen efterlämnade ett 24 sidor långt tyskspråkigt manifest, vars syfte enligt honom själv är att varna tyska folket för en hemlig organisation som bland annat övervakar Rathjen. I manifestet beskrivs också behovet av att utplåna ett
antal ”destruktiva etniciteter”.
On February 19, 2020, 43-year-old Tobias Rathjen shot dead nine people at two hookah cafes in Hanau, Germany. After the crime, Rathjen went to his apartment where he and his mother were later found dead. Rathjen left behind a 24-page long German-language manifesto, the purpose of which, according to himself, is to warn the German people of a
secret organization that, among other things, monitors Rathjen. The manifesto also describes the need to wipe out one
number of "destructive ethnicities".
Now you understand why Breivik is different from other terrorists ... not only he is still alive, wrote much more, the mother was still alive, but he is not saying we need to destroy Muslims too (he has only something against Islam), etc.
Die Polizei nimmt den 75-Jährigen kurz danach in seinem Reihenhaus fest, in dem er noch heute wohnt. Allerdings finden die Ermittler nichts, was eine direkte Tatbeteiligung des Vaters belegt. Es wird aber deutlich, dass er ähnlichen Verschwörungstheorien und rechtsextremen Vorstellungen anhängt wie sein Sohn https://perma.cc/63M7-Q97L