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Trevor Noah says integration was a mistake and ethnically homogeneous states like Finland are superior to racially diverse states. I agree!

According to British media this was a protest in Birmingham

1k 0 15 1 63

Germany intends to create a "deportation center" on Polish border designed to send African illegal migrants

If this is allowed to happen same problems in Germany will happen in Poland. Polish women will be raped, Poles will be killed by non European migrants. This center is designed to endanger lives and safety of Poles.

If there is no way to prevent the Germans from enacting this policy, I believe Polish state has a right AND OBLIGATION to stop this center from being operational, including using military means to destroy it.

This article reads like it was written by Hitler

There is Lebensraum for illegal migrants in the east, but there is a huge problem! The Poles do not consent! We must crush them!

Africans will only receive food and hygiene products, and forced marched across Oder. FUR DEUTCHLAND

I'm hopeful that current conflict between Poland and Germany could lead to good changes to Europes migration problem

At 230pm today the German interior minister will announce creation of deportation centers that are designed to send illegal migrants to Poland

Germany can't just send migrants to Poland, because when they do this most of them just come right back to Germany. So the German plan is to house illegals on Polish border and give them no benefits. No money, no food beyond bread, no right to relocate to another migrant center within Germany

So why am I optimistic? Shouldn't I be terrified that German plan could success and illegal African migrants will flow to small towns in Poland?

Poland will have to respond.

Normally with Tusk in power I would be terrified that the German plan would work, but the Polish presidential election is in June. If the Tusk government does not do anything, Germans suceed in sending illegals to Poland and they are housed in EU funded "foreigner integration centers" throughout Poland, they will be absolutely crushed in the Polish election.

Im not sure how the Tusk government plans to react. A simple way would be simply match the Germans. Any asylum seekers coming from Germany won't even get a bed.

This will cause a race to the bottom for asylum benefits. Once benefits are gone, I don't see how either country will ever raise them again. This conflict will cause a race to the bottom for asylum benefits.

My dream policy is that AfD wins the German election and we just scrap the entire idea and Poland and Germany just work together to send these people back home, remigration, and Germans help secure Polish border with Belarus.

So were nazis bad because they burned books, or because they allowed free speech?

962 0 2 17 36

At 230pm today the German Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser will sign the opening of deportation camps, sending illegal migrants to Poland

Y chromosome similarity to Poles

1k 0 11 4 113

Maybe this is a good thing.

A race to the bottom of giving illegal migrants benefits. Germans will only give them a bed bread and soap? Only response is to offer them even less in Poland

Germany must be stopped

Tomorrow the Germans will announce creation of "Departure center" on Polish border.

The goal is to get illegal migrants to move to Poland. Illegal migrants will be shipped to Polish border and given no benefits with hope they cross over to Poland.

Illegal migrants should be remigrated outside Europe, not relocated to Poland

2.3k 2 49 2 103

My proposal: we hold courses around Europe helping gypsies apply for benefits from German gov by claiming to be descendants of Holocaust survivors.

For every African illegal migrant Berlin sends to Poland, we give 100 gypsies one way ticket to Berlin

What is the best way to retaliate agaisnt Germans if they try to send illegal Africans to Poland

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
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Keith Kellog, Trump’s special envoy for Ukraine and Russia

1.2k 0 23 23 45
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