Maya Temple Sites Are Multilayered Matrices Of Star Maps 💫
Each one of the astounding Mexican pyramids was built in a specific geographic location in order to represent and channel the energy of the land.
The energy of each of these
specific temples represents a chakra energy of the human body.
1. Uxmal (Mexico): the base chakra of a new cycle
2. Labna: the sacral chakra, union of opposites
3. Kaba: the third chakra, willpower
4. Chichen Itza: the heart chakra, unconditional love
5. Tulum: the throat chakra, sound currents and manifestation
6. Kohunlich: the third-eye chakra, the pituitary gland-psychic abilities
7. Palenque: the pineal chakra, preparing for the next world
8. Tikal (Guatemala): the base chakra of a new cycle
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