
Kanal geosi va tili: ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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ko‘rsatilmagan, ko‘rsatilmagan
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Happy birthday day for Lee Jeno real life and Lee Jeno roleplayer's face claim. For Lee Jeno real life, i hope you are more successful, more liked by NCTzen. And for Lee Jeno roleplayer's face claim, I hope you use Jeno as your fake face well. Please always be happy.

Happy next level up once again Lee Jeno real life and Lee Jeno roleplayer - ers!

Espesially Samudra, Joharul, Jared, Aidan, Jenodhio, Javerick, Mahesa, Garvin, Jerno, Darren, Afkar, Ardean, Baron, Jefardan, Dharma, Jekhiel, Adhlino, Altta, Juno, Tobias, Luke, Galvin.

📝 Drop id + as.. Nanti dibuatin fake chat

👤 @yebinchois as teteh

👤 @HiEunhaa as adik

👤 @jenomise as temen nyontek

👤 @WinterCim as mba

👤 @marcklev as ketos

👤 @miyeocxn as crush

👤 @yeurimese as mantan

👤 @Kseulgiy as kakel famous

👤 @sLee_JeNo as presiden

👤 @dljeno as temen nongki, nuhun

👤 @leeiejeno as kakak

👤 @etdahjeongin as temen nongkrong

👥 12 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

🚫 This poll is closed...

𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗡 𝗡𝗖𝗧. dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Wassup Folks! We're 𝗛𝗜𝗠𝗣𝗨𝗡𝗔𝗡 𝗡𝗖𝗧 is seeking for newmembers, Before you joining our family you must read all rules.

$. This is NCT RP-Ers area, we don't accept temporary swap or multi character.
$. Twins are allowed (Max. 3). Please check our taken list on channel.
$. We don't accept clone account, two face, and spy thingy. So we're pretty selective, boys.
$. Make sure that you are not in period of wanting to rest, hiatus or leaving roleplayer.
$. Can mingle also talkaktive. We're looking for members who can mingle and having fun with us. Make sure you're active in our groupchat and active in any event.

Please contact @HimpunanNCTbot if you’re interested. So goodluck and see you in our groupchat!

One of the bravest decisions you will ever make is to finally let go of what hurts your heart and soul.

Limit chat kapan kelar anjrit

                   Ibra Alterio

10 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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